Changed out the drums and shoes for new on my wife's smart fortwo. Also replaced the ABS sensor ring on the right rear as the original had rusted and split. Now the ABS works again but I'm getting a weird chattering on decel that's from the rear. (Lifting the parking brake handle causes the same vibration)
Here's what the new shoes look like. Never seen wear like this.

Bad drums?
I seem to recall my dad had to 'arc the brake shoes' to the drums since the shoes didn't match the drum and chattered. Think that involved gluing strips of sandpaper to the inside face of the drum and working the shoes against the sandpaper until they matched.
If the brakes didn't chatter before you replaced the shoes, it seems odd that the drums would suddenly go bad.
looks like a shoe grind issue. manufacturing defect. i'd return those and try another set.
Drums and shoes both new.
New means never ever worked.
What do the drums look like? Those are the parts that are moving. Have seen a few that were octagonal or had been machined so coarsely that they would cause the shoes to track like a record needle and snap back into place.
Will have to pull the drums and measure them to be sure not out of round I guess.
You won't really see it with measurement, you'll see it in the wear pattern (if there IS a pattern at all, that's your problem) or the machined surface.