EDIT: issue solved, but I'll leave it here for posterity. 924/944 guys this may be something you haven't seen before that is of interest to you....
Did a road trip this weekend down to Richmond (about 100 miles), almost entirely cruising down I-95 form DC in the '88 924S. Car ran great the whole way, cruising mostly around 70mph in mostly rainy weather. Anyhow, as I got off on my exit in Richmond yesterday I rev-match downshifted to 4th then 3rd and then 2nd (though I didn't perfectly hit the revs on 2nd), and then braked into a stoplight. As I came to the light, clutched into put the car into 1st, and it wouldn't go in. At all. Put the clutch to the floor still no-go. As I sat at the light, I tried other gears and it would go into 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th with more-than-usual effort and notchiness. Clutch felt pretty normal, it seemed, but hard to tell since I dont' drive this car all that regularly (but had driven it a bit the day before). But I could sit at a light with the clutch fully pressed in and the car in 2nd and the car would not move forward or anything, so the clutch was definitely disengaged.
Also would not go into reverse. I was about a mile from my destination so I just started in 2nd at several stoplights and then parked on the curb when I got there. We took my friend's car over the weekend to do things since I coudlnt' really work on mine or check on much parallel-parked. My intent was to just limp it back home today using 2nd-5th and figure it out when I got home.
This afternoon I left her house, still not able to put it in 1st, and got myself to the highway, where the car seemed to shift fine up to 5th. Cruised for 30 minutes and then hit a rest stop to take the roof off (parking on a shoulder so I didn't have to back out, not having reverse). Car left running while I did that, in neutral with the e-brake on.
Jumped back in the car to get back on the road and intuitively shifted it into 1st.........and it went right in, no problem. Jumped back on the highway, everything felt totally normal with the shifting, clutch, etc. Then I hit heavy stop-and-go traffic and had to stop a few dozen times. Every time, shifted into 1st no problem at all, and throughout the range. Drove all the way home, 3 hours on the highway about half of it in stop-and-go. Got to my house, and car went into reverse just fine as well.
So now I'm stumped. Car has maybe 1000-2000 miles on a new Sachs clutch kit, reputable-brand new slave cylinder master cylinder (and all new hoses). The clutch feels totally and completely normal now in every way.
I have noticed for a few week a kind of metallic sound from the car when in gear or idling in neutral (though not with clutch in), which I assume must be the throwout bearing (though that and the pilot bearing were also replaced when I did the clutch). It's not terribly obvious since this isn't really a quiet car and it has a slightly rough idle that rattles some stuff, but still at a bit of a loss on all this.
I will also note that the car has completely new shift linkage hardware from front to back. Not OEM stuff, but the very nice parts from Only944.com that have really been a joy to shift with up til now. I have never missed a gear or had a shifting issue since I installed this stuff.
1. Somehow an air bubble in the clutch system got knocked into the stream when I downshifted suddenly and eventually made its way out of the system through the M/C and reservoir as I drove and everything heated up?
2. Throwout bearing somehow got stuck in an odd place and didn't allow the clutch to fully disengage, and then eventually somehow let itself free as I drove? Not sure why this would have still let me get it into 2nd-5th gear though.
3. Somehow something shifted in the car, not allowing the linkage to select 1st or reverse. The car has new motor mounts, but the transmission mounts are NOT new, and I don't know how old they are. They are on the list to do this summer. But since the engine and trans are literally bolted together with the torque tube, not sure the trans could move independently enough to cause this.
4. The rear shift linkage has spherical bearings on it....I guess somehow something could have binded and then unbinded itself? I can't really see how that could happen, but I guess.
Anyhow, I know there are some 924/944 guys on here, so figured i'd ask first before I jump into the P-car forums where I'm sure the answer will be "take it to a Porsche shop" or something, lol...