Due to a recent injury preventing me from my normal (violent) hobbies, I've decided to up my autocross game.
To that end I've already settled upon some wheels of the proper (read: maximum allowed by class (STR, 9'')) but now comes the hard part... tires.
R1R's are offered in the 225/45 that I want, but are backordered... everywhere. For the foreseeable future.
RS3's are less than ideal with their need for heat and poorer wet performance.
(It's not that hot here, 'often' wet)
BFG Rivals? Seem to be talked about less than the previous two, so less to go on.
What am I missing?
The Star Specs I'm running now have some life left in them so it's not huge if I don't have the new shoes running before the next event (Sept 7)
8/19/14 3:25 p.m.
What's the car? I just drove an STR-prepped MR-S with Rivals, and it was astonishing how much grip and feedback that thing had.
The new RS3 V2's need less heat to work. I switched from Rivals to them this year. (225/45/17 on 7.5" wheels) Better in the rain than the Rivals and similar lateral grip but there's more linear grip (in my personal application) IMO. They do like more air prssure than the Rivals though.
I'll second the what car, from what I've gathered rivals on a lighter car, RS3s on a moderately heavy to heavy cars. I've only driven both back to back on a feather weight though
Ah, sorry, 95 R Package Miata.
LSD puts me in STR.
8/19/14 4:17 p.m.
I would think you won't be disappointed in Rivals, then. Another quick guy in an STR Miata runs them.
Rivals. Just remember they don't work in snow.
Sounds a little like Rivals are the way to go!
Related note: disappointing that a big time outfit like Costco (my employer) carries BFG... but 'none of the low profile stuff'
That they can't even order them seems weird to me.
Thanks all.
That would be frustrating... we don't keep very many fun options in stock, but I can order pretty much anything I want. Like my S-04's lol
Yeah, it's bad enough that Costco only sells three brands...
Hell, this is the first time I've even wanted a tire from one of those three!
just doesn't seem right that we can't order whatever we want.
8/19/14 6:40 p.m.
RS3 v2 seem to be (from what I hear… I'm still rocking R1R's) the answer for STS/STC (same 195 size as the R1R's)
and keep in mind that (as of now anyway) the Toyo is outlawed for 2015 (all tires with TW rating <200)
and I seem to remember hearing that there is a star spec coming next yr
there are rumors bouncing around that Toyo will have something for us R1R diehards come next season
Star Spec is available now. Not SCCA legal for this season.
I just flat spotted my 225/50R16 Kumho XSes, and I am thinking 225/45R16 would be a better size.
Went with the Rivals, they should be here with more than enough time to let me do some 'testing' prior to the next event.
Had my first Autocross on the new tires and wheels, great success!
Only my fourth event, I give equal credit to my finally starting to figure things out and to the wider rubber.
These guys seem to like lower pressures than my star specs did, dialing that in was fun
(ended up just under 30 PSI on both ends, a little higher in the front)
Took second in my class, set the 4th fastest raw time, 5th fastest PAX'ed time, very happy on both fronts.
Previously while competing against much the same group I was 15th and 25th, respectively.
So, yeah, thanks again for the input all!
Full results for the curious
Had another autocross today.
Much higher speed, probably covered three times the area of the one from last weekend.
Discovered that A: my car is not set up for that, I need to back off the rear sway, possibly yank it entirely for larger courses
and B: My limited experience does not until today include time between transitions, two separate people who rode with me commented that I'm smooth with my lines but not aggressive enough with the pedals.
So, yeah, haven't seen the results yet but would be surprised if I didn't end up last place in STR ><
Technically, R1Rs are legal for Street Prepared and up classes, but they won't (or shouldn't) be competitive.
There are reports that Toyo is going to release a 200TW R1R in October.
I've got to sort out issues with the nut behind the wheel before I start worrying about the next round of tire buying.
Especially since these Rivals have 16 autocross runs and less than 1000 miles on them, they're with me for a while.
9/14/14 4:20 p.m.
Mr_Clutch42 wrote:
Technically, R1Rs are legal for Street Prepared and up classes, but they won't (or shouldn't) be competitive.
Matthew Huizing wrote:
There are reports that Toyo is going to release a 200TW R1R in October.
@Mr_Clutch42 … true … and locally I think we are going to allow 140's for our run-what-you-brung class … so, for me, there will be a place to sell my R1R's … we're also considering continuing to use 140's in street touring, at least for next yr
and @Matthew Huizing … that is the word that came back from the Toyo rep at the nationals …hope it's true
SnowMongoose wrote:
Due to a recent injury preventing me from my normal (violent) hobbies, I've decided to up my autocross game.

I can imagine getting some occasional injuries.
In reply to Mr_Clutch42:
Getting warmer.

Plus Brazilian Jiujitsu
Video, on the off chance anyone has time to kill.
First ('Real') Run
Last (Quickest) Run
Edit: Wow, youtube did quite a number on the video quality, yikes