Stupid things are starting to bug me. I used some grade 8 nuts and washers on the Model T wheel adapters.

Last night I ordered some zinc plated lugnuts and I know they'll bother me more. I was thinking of removing the plating on both with vinegar. They do hold my wheels on so just being extra careful and making sure that won't affect them other than they'll fit the look of the car better.
Doubtful. My motor mount bolts are soaking in vinegar right now. The rust and pitting has weakened them more than a few days in vinegar ever will
At first I thought your title was talking about stripped threads. *Well, duh. Lol*
Should be fine. Vinegar will take a while to strip zinc though. Muriatic acid would be much faster, although too long will eat your threads out making my mistaken title interpretation somewhat more applicable.
Do you have access to a blasting cabinet? That would be my go-to if it were available. Thread them onto a bolt to protect the threads and go to town.
In reply to Crackers :
I don't have a blasting cabinet although Lil Stampie and I attempted to play thumbs war in one at Harbor Freight yesterday. I got time so I'll soak them in vinegar. My concern was if removing the zinc from the threads would reduce the clamping strength.
Like, ZOMG!!11!1!! You're totally gonna change everything about those nuts and kill half the county with that!!11!!1! You know that companies hire engineers for a lot of money (sometimes) to make sure that everything works together and you're like, changing something!!1! Your rear windshield will fall out, fer sure.
Fill the threaded part with something like O Lube or vaseline or axle grease thats not vinegar or muriatic soluble