Looking for some help on removing a couple stuck bolts.
I'm replacing the fuel filter in the GTI and i've come across a couple sticky bolts. The first one is attatched to the filter itself:

The bolt spins but i can't get it out.
The second is a result of me snapping the fuel line trying to get the first one off. I'm trying to remove the old line but the bolt is stuck and i can't get any leverage without twisting the whole fuel pump assembly:

I can't imagine the bolts holding the assembly in would be too fond of coming out either:

I've been hitting it with PB blaster the past few days but what i really need is a way to get some leverage on it. Any ideas?
The fuel filter one is fairly simple. WHILE BEING AWARE OF THE FIRE HAZARD you need to peel the steel casing of the filter away. There is a steel nut captured inside the hex on the end of the filter, and you need to be able to grab it without the filter casing in the way.
The other one is a more interesting proposition, because the nut will be stuck to the fitting, but its probably also rusted to the tube going through its center. Breaking it loose from the thread just involves a very good wrench. It will probably break loose easier if you can shock it- if you can hit the wrench with a hammer, that usually works better than slow steady pressure. Once the threads are loose, its a matter of holding the tube and wiggling the nut until it loosens or breaks the tube.
Sometimes you just have to work your way back to a fitting you can get undone, then start fresh from there. From the pics, you live somewhere in the rust belt?
I just looked a little closer at the second pic- I thought you were dealing with the bottom, U shaped line. For the top one, can you get a socket on the broken line and use an impact wrench? I usually use an impact to remove the filter banjo bolts, it rattles them out nicely. Second- can you peel off the remains of the plastic line and replace it with 8mm high pressure rubber hose? How long is the piece of line you need to replace?
I can get a socket on but no longer have an air compressor.
I've already got the replacement line, ordered a stock piece for way too much money.
Oh, and i live in Ohio, we use plenty of salt for sure.
(breathes sigh of relief that the only salt down here is in the ocean and on kitchen tables)
If you need to remove both those lines from the fuel pump and you are trying to save it, you really need to take the assembly off the car so you can get to it. I realize the bolts holding the assembly in place will probably break, but that's easier/cheaper to fix than the fuel pump.
I have removed seized external tube nuts like that by using a Dremel to cut through the sides of the nut (don't go too deep or it will ruin the pump) then putting the blade of a screwdriver in the resulting slot and twisting. That splits the nut and if you do this on both sides the remains of the nut pops right off. Of course this means you will have to replace the nut or the line (or both), so plan ahead.
Both fittings have coper washers on both side of the banjos.
Use a brass hamer (non sparking!!) and give a quick hard impact to the top of the bolts this will crush the copper ever so slighlty and vibrate the rust from the threads.
Works on lug bolts too
Blue tip wrench should do it.
Got the fuel filter bolt out, thanks for the tip streetwise.
The one by the pump on the other hand....
I may just take that one to the shop, i don't have the time or tools and it shouldn't be too much money.
I did get the rest of the basic maintenance done with the exception of the distributor rotor. For whatever reason it doesn't want to come off. Any ideas?
Pub, I live in Delaware, you are more than welcome to come by and we can Dremelize the bolts. Just let me know.
My shop is in centerville if you want to put it on the lift and have a good whack at it from underneath. An impact will get that bolt off, or it will rip the whole top of the fuel pump off. Either way, it'll come off.
If you're doing the work just bring beer. If I'm doing it bring beer and money.
The fuel filter is replaced, the distributor cap, plugs, and wires are done as well. I can't seem to get the distributor rotor off though, it's stuck. Any ideas on how to get it off?
However, the car still runs rough. It's not as bad as before, but it still likes to sputter once in a while. Is there another fuel filter floating around? Crap in the gas tank maybe?
Oh, and thanks for the offers for help guys! Sadly the car was already in the shop by the time i saw them.