I'm attempting to replace a VERY bad wheel bearing on the driver side rear of my Previa. Unfortunately the harbor freight 5lb slide hammer isn't phasing it. I added a 25lb plate and still nothing. Just to be sure I wasn't missing something I hooked it up to the other side and it took one slide and the axle pretty much jumped into my lap. I'm up to 60lbs of plates added to the 5 lb slide, the van slid 3 inches on the jackstands, ive worked through a callous and 3 layers of blister deeper, and every muscle in my upper body aches and still nothing. Any advice?
I had bearings go bad in my truck. They had welded the races to the spindle, and the hub was not coming off. I just changed the spindle.
Ian F
5/28/14 8:33 a.m.
I'm guessing the bearing needs to be pressed off and no amount of slide-hammer action will move it. Pics or FSM diagram?
Isn't a Previa a stick axle? So, you still trying to get the axle out of the diff, correct?
Since you were able to pull the other axle, I will presume you are confident you have all the bolts out.
Now, for the old-timey secret. Find a substantial logging chain. Wrap one end around the axle, step back and whip that chain. Whip it good. If that doesn't bring it out, head to the wrecker for a new diff, because this one has welded itself together.
In reply to Streetwiseguy: yep, still trying to get the axle with its pressed on bearing out of the axle tube. Think a torch would help?
I would try the torch at this point, a real acetylene gas welders torch.
And while you are warming up the end of the axle tube with the torch in one hand, use the other hand to call the local salvage yards for availability of a replacement axle.
Sounds nasty, time to get creative with hydraulic jacks and heat? How are your cutting torch skills?
I'm serious about the whipping logging chain...
5/28/14 11:27 a.m.
Streetwiseguy wrote:
I'm serious about the whipping logging chain...
I like this idea for two reasons. It could work quite well, and could cause untold carnage. Please post a youtube video of the result.
If its that bad (welded itself in) you probably have taken the heat treat out of that axle shaft anyways, so its probably buy a whole rear end time.
Streetwiseguy wrote:
I'm serious about the whipping logging chain...
ive heard that also but slightly different. ive heard you wrap one side around the axle and the other around the head of a heavy sledge hammer and then swing it away from the axle hard, that will give it a pretty good yank
5/28/14 2:55 p.m.
I would squirt some automatic trans fluid mixed with acetone on it and try the chain trick. I have seen the chain trick work! Also don't know if there is enogh room but a crow bar between the axle housing (and assorted steel blocks)and axle flange can generate some big forces.
5/28/14 3:56 p.m.
Streetwiseguy wrote:
Isn't a Previa a stick axle? So, you still trying to get the axle out of the diff, correct?
Since you were able to pull the other axle, I will presume you are confident you have all the bolts out.
Now, for the old-timey secret. Find a substantial logging chain. Wrap one end around the axle, step back and whip that chain. Whip it good. If that doesn't bring it out, head to the wrecker for a new diff, because this one has welded itself together.
I've been using this meathod for years after learning it at a junk yard trying to pound out an axle out of an old rusty truck.
i'm too lazy to search. someone please post video of the logging chain trick.
So it took:
-hooking a come along to the end of the puller and another trucks hitch.
-adding weights to the slide hammer.
-bracing the other trucks hitch frame against the van frame to stop dragging the truck closer
-using fire.
-buying a bigger come along to replace the twisted one.
-then finally even more fire by way of a Much bigger tip on the torch combined with cold water running across the axle face broke it free.
Carnage-slide hammer wheel lug adapter split, smaller come along twisted, and abs sensor snapped off when I tried to remove it.
6/1/14 10:05 p.m.
Need a bigger version of that pic, please. From what i can see, looks like just the kind of home-brew improvisation i enjoy seeing. 
None of that can be salvageable, can it?
In reply to Streetwiseguy:
If by "none of that" you mean "everything but the seals and bearing" my crossed fingers say yes. 
There is more than one way to pull a bearing.
Kinda surprised you did not break the slide hammer!
Bonus points for what looks to be an on street repair