I posted before about options for replacing the cat on my dads 96 legacy, but Im pretty sure it either needs more than just a cat, or has some other problems. It has about 260k miles on it, but since probably 200k the check engine light has almost always been on. The codes are always some combination of multiple missfire on cylinder 2, throttle position sensor performance/range (or something like that), MAP sensor reading, and catalytic converter effiency. I changed the TPS, and it did nothing. We took it to the dealer, and they found a missing vaccum line, which they replaced (it had no effect on any of it), and they said it needs a clutch, new valve cover gaskets and head gaskets 9because of oil leaks, a new clutch, and the it might run better if they replaced both cats for $2200, but they wernt sure.
The noticable problems are that when its cold it idles about 1800-2200 rpm. it bucks and stumbles badly when acclerating when its cold, and also anything more than about 1/2 throttle below 3500 rpm even when its warm. Are all of these problems becasue it needs a new cat? Is there anything else that could cause this? Are subarus just crap, and there is a reason why in the last 6 months the mid 90s legacys have been shwoing up in the junkyard by the dozens?
The 2.5l engines had head gasket issues. I'd be willing to bet that the drivability issues are due more to bad head gaskets than anything else.
Check/replace the coil pack and wires. That will cause the misfire/cel/stumble.
Its a 2.2, not a 2.5. Thats not to say it doesnt have bad head gaskets, but at least its a better designed engine than the 2.5. Is they any way to check the coil pack? Or just buy a new one. The wires were new at 150k miles, and swtching a different wire to the cylinder the computer said was misfiring didnt change anything, so I didnt think that was the problem, but I guess replacing them couldnt hurt.
260k? Yeah, Subarus are just crap.
Sorry, I don't have anything constructive to offer, never even sat in a Subaru, but it doesn't sound like a cat to me.
12/17/08 12:11 p.m.
Basics first. Go to the junkyard and get a coil pack, ignition control module (transistor thingy attached to the firewall right by the coil pack), and get new plugs and wires from the parts store. Honestly, my first guess is plugs and wires, 90k is a long time on aftermarket plug wires, but the coil and ignition module are super easy to change and only a few bucks from a yard so easy to do. If you're feeling ambitious you could snag the coolant temp, knock, cam, and crank sensors and swap those out. All that's left then is the MAP/MAF...all of these take less than an hour to swap so IMO it's in your best interest to change them one at a time to see if you can throw parts at it yourself before paying a dealer to throw parts at it. A U-Pull yard should charge you ~$100 for all the parts you need.
The reason you see tons of Legacies in the yard is because tons of them were made and they're not worth much after having 200-300k on them, they have a finite life to consumers just like a Honda would. I would say if your Legacy has 260k on it and has had some problem for 60k miles that you haven't fixed, that car alone would make you believe that Subarus aren't crap. The crank has spun in that block about one billion times, I think that's worth respecting, no? 
MAF and coil are $$$ at the pick and pull here, the rest is cheap tho, so i may try that. And the reason i say its a crappy car is it will be a parts car by february if it isnt fixed (smog test), and the last 2 cars my dad drove lasted well over 300k (one 335k, one 360)..
12/17/08 2:09 p.m.
Aren't you the same guy always posting oddball cars found in junkyards of CA? If so, and if you're seeing so many Legacies in the yards, I don't get why parts would be so expensive. FWIW, I got a spare MAF from nasioc.com for $24 shipped and a spare coil pack from a local they-pull for $26, so that gives you a basis of comparison for prices.
The yard charges about $50 for a coil pack, and about $75 for a MAF, no matter what is it out of. Some of their stuff is really cheap ($75 for a short block), some is really over priced.
I don't know much about new computer controlled cars, but i'd be sure and check the O2 sensor. When they give up the ghost you can get all sorts of weird stuff happening.
For $2k, I'd cut off the cats and see if that fixes it. I had a similar issue with our Accord. It only had 20k on the ignition parts. After a great deal of troubleshooting, I replaced them again and it worked fine again. Parts store tuneup parts are crap.
Do a compression check. I checked the compression on my Subie with a $30 Sears guage and found a cylinder down 70 psi. compared to the others. When I was doing the head gaskets I found two burnt exhaust valves. The misfire CEL I was getting was for the bad #4 cylinder exhaust valves.
I had the 2.5L SOHC motor in a '99 Forester.
It runs awesome now and it's come in handy with all the snow we've been getting.