I'm looking for a very thick, almost waxy grease to use beneath the press-fit plastic wheel arch trim on my car's wheelwells; it's to keep rust at bay. The stuff is an off-white color and the consistency of butter. Any ideas what this stuff might generically be called?
5/15/11 5:19 p.m.
Hmm, if it were brown it would be Cosmoline.
No idea. It sounds like the consistency of cosmoline, but the color of white lithium grease
erohslc wrote:
The Rover guys in England swear by that stuff. One caveat is to work properly it needs to be re-applied every year iirc.
I asked here quite a few years ago & along with Waxoyl, Per told me to check out boating shops. I picked up something by Mercury Marine that seemed to work pretty well. I don't use it anymore though, I just divide my cars into the "I don't care if it rusts" and "I don't drive it in winter" groups. :D
5/15/11 9:54 p.m.
Just for clarification, are you trying to identify what is currently on your parts or what you can use?
Strange this came up at work 5 days ago.
I am trying to find something I can use. I don't want silicone or anything that cures. The factory stuff kicks ass, but has gone away since part of the fender trim disappeared.
I have some LPS3 and may end up using it; however, upon doing some web searching based upon responses here, it looks like the stuff originally put on my car is some sort of petroleum wax, a.k.a. parrafin. I also found that a common toilet bowl sealing ring is apparently made out of just this stuff, so I'm going to see if I can pick one up at Home Depot.
BTW, waxoyl's US-based website shows only fairly large quantities for sale; I need a tablespoon of goop is all.
If only a spoonful of sugar is all you need I would go white lithium. The rest of them seem to only come in large containers.
procainestart wrote:
it looks like the stuff originally put on my car is some sort of petroleum wax, a.k.a. parrafin. I also found that a common toilet bowl sealing ring is apparently made out of just this stuff, so I'm going to see if I can pick one up at Home Depot.
If that's the case, you could also buy it in sheets (i.e. "parafilm") from many science supply companies. We use the stuff all the time here in our labs. Stretch it a little to disturb the surface before application and it will stick better. Since you are using this for automotive purposes, I'd hit it with a heat gun after applying it so it melts onto the surface.
You can also get paraffin candles from candle shops, massage shops, or some sex-toy vendors (They have a lower melting point that some other candles, so they hurt less.
...and check with SWMBO. She may have paraffin in her beauty supplies
When I was restoring my 64 Spitfire, I bought an aerosol material like you are talking about at the paint store. Seems like it was made by 3M. Pretty sure I still have the can. I'll try to remember to look tonight.
Corrosion stop is a spray based parafin wax. I think corrosion stop is what you are looking for. Good stuff.
Edit to add linky:
Per Schroeder
Technical Editor/Advertising Director
5/16/11 9:47 a.m.
CRC has a marine corrosion inhibitor that's essentially a waxy oil. Love it.
Huh. In a convenient spray can that I might actually use. I'll have to look for that CRC stuff.
I've been meaning to make up a batch of waxoyle for years, but it doesn't seem to actually happen.
Found this home made Waxoyl recipe online:
Take a ½ kilogram of paraffin wax or candle making wax and grind it up with a cheese grater. Soak it in 2 liters of mineral spirits/ Paraffin/ Kerosene/ lamp oil/ Diesel until all of the wax is dissolved. It might take a couple of weeks. Stirring will cause most of the wax to dissolve, but soaking should take care of the rest, heating the mixture in hot water (no open flames) will add in the quick dissolving of the wax. Generally try to dissolve as much wax as the mineral spirits/ kerosene/ paraffin/lamp oil/ Diesel will hold. Pour one liter of mineral oil/ non-detergent motor oil into the dissolved mixture. If the mixture is too thick for spraying you can thin it further with more mineral spirits until it is of a spray-able consistency.
My mother used to buy paraffin at the grocery store to use for canning (to seal the tops of the jars.) It came in a big block, shaped kind of like a bar of soap.
edit: after a quick search online it appears you can get it at Ace Hardware stores: http://www.acehardwareoutlet.com/productdetails.aspx?sku=62307
In reply to stuart in mn:
Boeshield T-9 is another wax based anti-rust product available in a spray can. Made by Boeing, for use on aircraft, it is available on Amazon, among other places.
I bought a toilet bowl ring last night ($1.50) -- it's pretty damn sticky, but it doesn't have a petroleum smell (actually, it's odorless). I couldn't find an MSDS sheet for it, but I assume it's paraffin?? I'm going to give the wheelwell a good dousing with LPS3, then fill up the cracks with the wax and install the arch trim.
Next time, the CRC and Corrosion Stop stuff would likely be cheaper than the LPS3, which I paid $9 for some time ago.
procainestart wrote:
but I assume it's paraffin??
I always thought those were made of bees wax....
In reply to akamcfly:
Could be -- it's a dark yellow-brown color. Teh intarnetz said these things was paraffin, but you know how reliable that source can be...
I want to bring this older thread back up real quick. I've got a couple of older cars that are forced to be stored outside due to the fact that the wife won't let me build a 14 car garage on our property...
I want to do the best I can to help stop them from rusting.
Would you spray the entire undercarriage and wheel arches of a car with this stuff? Are CRC and Corrosion Stop basically the same stuff?
Gulfwax... Also good for making wax bullets so you can shoot in your garage!
Klayfish wrote:
Would you spray the entire undercarriage and wheel arches of a car with this stuff? Are CRC and Corrosion Stop basically the same stuff?
Paraffin? sure. There are a lot of companies in the UK that offer this service, I don't know if they use plain Paraffin or what, but the Paraffin should be safe (obviously you should keep it away from the brakes, tires and engine belts though).