I decided the simplest way to do some "coverage" would be a monthly update, so that kicked off in February with a couple images and a writeup- I would continue this throughout the year, and I'm just gonna plop them here in a few posts- by March we also had a scoring page for codrivers, which would rapidly turn into an incredible competition of who could score more rides in cheap cars.
With only one, really slow, really icy rally, February SuperChampio standings are in! Kramer and Gingras in first and third respectively with solid stage speeds and relatively inexpensive cars, and Dantes sneaking into second with a little less speed but a few less dollars too. Honorable mentions to Downey for somehow sitting in the top 10 despite over 5hrs of stage time, Gabe for not being upside down in his first rally in a turbo AWD monstrosity, Sladek for not only rallying a freaking Passport but actually entering a value for the thing, and Sebot for hitting my car without damaging it.

March SuperChampio standings are in! Barry Pilcher has moved into the lead with a solid finish down at Y’All Pines in an e36 made primarily of scrap and leftover buggy parts, followed closely at that event by VanDamme in a really pretty decent e30 and Seaman in JVL’s second favorite car. Al Dantes then managed to claw his way back into second place despite an incident with a tree in Winnie the Pooh land, with an extremely narrow WhaleFactor gap to close in order to catch Pilcher. Bret Hunter has slid into third by bringing the only car with an appropriate intake system for Southern Loop, netting him the highest WhaleFactor at that event with an extraordinarily small lead over Atwood with Grant and Coulter close behind.
In the (newly added this month because Nathan Usher is awesome) codriver standings, Bryce Proseus has a slight lead thanks to a trained resistance to vaporized coolant which allows him to codrive multiple Subarus, but is followed closely by Emily Schumacher and Melissa Sherowski, either of whom could take the lead with just a few more stage miles.

April saw the first SuperChampio points scored in Canada, with team Sharron/Holden earning some Quebecois WhaleFactor up at a cold thing nobody knows how to pronounce. Back in the USofA, at the Olympic Possibly Finland Possibly Jurassic Park Rally, Frentress/Brazer stomped the rest of the SuperChampio field with a commanding lead in a Yaris over Ramos/Freeze, Heredos/Kluge, and Chadney/Kroeze who were all in tight contention thanks to relatively similar car values.
In the driver’s SuperChampio, a late value input moves Mark Rokus into first thanks to results from earlier rallies, followed by Eric Frentress sliding into second with that previously mentioned dunk on the rest of the western champio field, and Barry Pilcher still hanging onto the final podium spot.
In the other seat, Tabitha Lohr tops the podium for the Codriver Champio by spending more time in a VW than anyone really wants to, followed by Chuck Brazer in second, with Bryce Proseus hunting for cheaper cars to sit in to re-ascend in the standings from third.
This is getting interesting- will Dantes get back on the driver’s podium? Are there lurking cheap vehicle codrive specialists preparing to storm the codriver champio? Is there a legitimate $3k car out there waiting to smash the results for everyone??

New for this month- total miles on your SuperChampio score page! Thanks to Nathan you can now see just how far you've traveled on your skidplates.
There were too many rallies this month and it's awesome- at McCreary, Bryce Proseus put himself on both sides of the scoreboard with a solid drive in Adam VanDamme's majestically cheap Golf, while simultaneously dunking on himself in the codriver champio and giving Kj Miller a huge boost in the standings. The Golf was followed by Dexter Clark in a B13 Sentra, Logan Siegel in an Impreza, and Adam VanDamme in an e30, all of whom were very close for this event but way behind the less expensive VW. Then at Bristol, top SuperChampio honors went to Nicholas Bukky in his first ever rally with a freshly built Fit, with Nathan Coulter, Matt Mcgee, and Kevin Brolin hot on his heels. Out west at the Oregon Dysentery Spectacular, another strong performance from Eric Frentress in the Yaris boosted him back into the lead, with Niels Kroeze scoring big just behind him, flowed by Alex Ramos . Then, somewhere up in Canada, Trevor Evenson scored his first SuperChampio points, with an excellent 90s Integra and some real speed and distance securing him a podium spot for this month, and with Ian Fry in a Legacy not too far behind.
Over in the codriver champio, Bryce Proseus has reclaimed the top spot after high scoring rides with both Nathan Coulter and Niels Kroeze, followed by Kj Miller with a wide array of hatchbacky things of varying craptitude, and Sarah Freeze in the RSX narrowly beating out a whole bunch of codrivers who are all one event away from claiming the podium.
Who will be the SuperChampio? Who will win the Yoctangle?? Is there a chance we get sponsored by Acura???