Hoping to do the final sanding before paint tonight after work. It will be a Rust-Oleum sprayed on paint job. I'm wondering if I need to go to 220, 320, or 400 grit sandpaper as the final round of sanding on the existing base coat?
Hoping to do the final sanding before paint tonight after work. It will be a Rust-Oleum sprayed on paint job. I'm wondering if I need to go to 220, 320, or 400 grit sandpaper as the final round of sanding on the existing base coat?
i used harbor freight 320 on a DA before i sprayed mine. i think those discs may be a little finer than other products, and you get a whole roll of them for CHEAP.
PS this was done with rattle cans by flashlight
400 is my minimum requirement for paint.
If you are preping an existing surface, the 220 isnot needed, it will just introduce scrtches that you need to remove with the latter sanding grits.
In reply to NOHOME :
Unfortunately I already went over the entire car with 220. I will go 320 + 400 next. In the in the past I have always done my final wash before paint with a brown SOS pad and Dawn dish soap. Is that an unnecessary step that is adding work?
I would definitely go 400 prepping for color. Dawn is a pretty good degreaser, so I would keep that step.
If you're spraying heavy (viscosity+thickness) you can probably get by with 320.
Given the labor involved I'd spray a test panel to see if you can avoid going to 400.
In reply to Crackers :
The last few ive painted, i stopped at 220. I want this one better than those, so im willing to try! However, nobody local has 400 grit for my hook and loop da, so that will have to be done by hand. If i have to. 320, though, i now have a E36 M3ton of for mt da.
About to go do an hour or so .its only 101f outside ....
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