Bound? I've only heard that referred to as "compression" or the old-school "jounce..." But it's clear what you're talking about!
TL;DR: I suspect that the F350 dampers would in fact be too stiff under "high (shaft) speed" conditions and would prevent the tires following the ground even if they did land in the ballpark for "low speed" damping. I think this because the forces an F350 needs to deal with are much larger than an Escort under the same "hitting bumpy pavement" circumstances.
The rambly version:
I think the crux of the matter here is that for any kind of performance damping, you're not talking about one rate/orifice.
When you hear about dampers that are adjustable for "high speed" and "low speed" that has to do with the shaft speed of the damper. To some extent, you're looking for stiff low-speed damping for responsiveness and to start load transfer before the springs and sway bars have traveled enough to do that job once you're fully into the corner (or braking, or accel...)
But in terms of "high speed" a gross oversimplification is that (and here it will become obvious that I should've put a "not a guru!" disclaimer at the start) you want the least compression damping that will control the wheel getting launched upward, and the least rebound damping that won't dribble the tire. "Soft" dampers make for better traction by letting the tire follow the road.
What we have in reality is a damping curve, which is what all those stacks of washers and shims you hear about are doing. If you just had a piston with a couple of holes in it (like a cheap old motorcycle fork) it would be underdamped in low speed motion just to avoid breaking your wrists when you hit a sharp bump at 50mph, but you would already be approaching an asymptotic level of damping at that speed. Instead, what we have is that the more quickly and forcefully that wheel is shoved upward by a bump (or downward by a spring), the more the force in the hydraulic system lifts open the washers and shims, so that the effective "hole in the piston" gets bigger the faster the shaft is moving, so that we have some amount of body control in roll and pitch, while also not punching the shock mounts out of the body over sharp pavement changes.
The upshot with regard to your actual question, I think, is that the low-speed damping might actually not be far off, but the forces the F350 shock needs to "open up" are probably massive compared to what the Escort needs, just because the forces are so much bigger with the weights involved. That said, it might not be nuts, might work some of the time, or there might be a less severe thing that would work (e.g. dampers from a heavier car rather than a truck with three times the mass).
I feel like I'm forgetting a guideline here in terms of something like compression damping being related largely to masses and rebound related to spring rate, but... Now I'm really dropping packets coming back from the memory bank. In your example, I believe by the time you're either jacking up or packing down, you're BADLY overdamped relative to masses/springs, I think on the high speed specifically. Another fragment: Broadly, low speed adjustment is often an adjustment of the basic orifice that oil flows through freely, while high speed adjustment is going to affect that shim stack's stiffness.
Anyhow, that's my best guess. Look for descriptions of "digressive" damping curves. I want to say there was some good reading on QA1's site, but surely any quality damper mfr has some info. I wonder whether with some digging you could find some shock dyno info for representative applications.
EDIT for semi-pedantic pet peeve (essentially mandatory for anyone geeking out enough to have a stab at damper questions): "Damping" is what we're talking about here, "dampening" is when something is made wetter.