Say I was looking for a mid to late 90s version, 4 door with a 5 speed and 4x4. What should I know about them? The purpose for buying one is my sister got a new job that you really need something with 4wd and a 2 speed transfer case to not have to walk the last couple miles, and a sidekick seems to be about the most fuel efficient (and cheap) vehicle that would be sufficient.
I like em'. The G16 is a cousin of the G13 and they are all good little motors. I believe the combination of years and doors you are suggesting should all be 16 valves, if not shy away from the 8 valve as it's pretty gutless.
They rust, a lot. But they do run very well.
I recently inherited by dads 95 with a removable hard top and while it's too rusty to be worth anything it's a blast to drive and a mule in the snow. I would recommend the hard top, the vinyl ones always seem to fit terribly and have a ton of wind noise.
Tough as nails (search out some videos on YouTube) but IIRC the oil pans rust out.
I'm in california, so rust won't be as much of an issue. It's rare to see anything newer than 1990 with any rust holes here. Are the vitaras pretty much the same thing? I have seen a few of those for cheap too.
For the first gen, Geo and later, Chevy sold Trackers. Suzuki sold the first gen under the Sidekick name. The second gen Tracker was sold under the Vitara name by Suzuki.
If the canvas tops are anything like the ones on the Samurai, there may be an RTFM problem if you're getting a lot of wind in the cabin. The back of the b pillar has a channel that accepts a stitched fold at the leading edge of the top. You slide this edge in from above, and you no longer have a top that is sucking air in or flapping on the sides whenever you exceed 25 mph.
I like the size of the Suzuki Grand Vitara XL-7 which is just a stretched Vitara.

JohnRW1621 wrote:
I like the size of the Suzuki Grand Vitara XL-7 which is just a stretched Vitara.
Orderable with room for seven passengers, 4wd and a manual transmission. I've never driven one, but I like the premise.
He's talking 4 door, they never made 4 door soft tops.
The 1.6 8V was available in the 4dr for the first year only, 89. It's slow. My son bought one a few years ago with 5000 miles on it, and it's his DD. They are reliable, but basic, rough and noisy. Not a luxury 4x4 by any means.
They rust quite a bit more than "a lot" - and most of it will be completely hidden. I had an '88 for a project, and was shocked when what appeared to be a good solid vehicle had absolutely no floor left behind the seats, 4 body mounts not attached to anything, and a frame rusted in two separate places.