ProDarwin wrote:
Toyman01 wrote:
In reply to Spinout007:
With the 33" tires I only got 17-18. I swapped the 33" mud grips for 29" all terrains and lowered it 5" and the economy took a big jump.
Where is your build thread for this? I can't find it.
pinchvalve wrote:
Still miss my Sidekick. Loved the fender flares, loved the dimensions, loved the practicality and simplicity. No power and it rusted, but man was that a great little vehicle.
I'd like to have a 4 door. I think that would be the ultimate in the small capable off road market.

Owned one. Loved it. Seriously. It was just the perfect size, great sight out of the vehicle, comfy. I couldnt complain. The PO did not maintain it and that was its downfall.

On this particular example, as is typical in this climate, the rockers have disintegrated. What are the odds that the frame is still solid?
We'll be taking a good look at the frame and mounting points.
Frames is normally pretty solid in those. The tend to rust out rockers and wheel shells.
In reply to BlueInGreen44:
Pay close attention to the tubes that cross between frame rails. My first one had 2 that were rusted through on the inside edge where they met the rails.
BlueInGreen44 wrote:
My roommate has been offered what he thinks is a good deal on one of them. I guess it's a 2002 with 170k, 4 cylinder, AWD. Supposedly has had "a lot of recent work done" on the brakes and other stuff.
He's asked me if it's a good car to buy; which I appreciate since whatever he ends up driving I'll probably end up helping him fix if it breaks.
I don't know anything about them so, are they trouble prone? Anything specific to look for? I don't see many driving around now which leads me to believe either not many of them were made or they're not great as a reliable beater.
This is a GM product, right?
And... He's decided to buy a 2005 Sebring convertible.

But now you guys have made me want a Suzuki trucklet.
In reply to BlueInGreen44:
Well, that should be a easily regrettable decision.
In reply to BlueInGreen44:
And you should declare right now that you're not helping him swap the trans when it fails.
In reply to petegossett:
Apparently you have to remove the wheel just to get the battery out on those. Yeah, he's on his own with this one.
BlueInGreen44 wrote:
In reply to petegossett:
Apparently you have to remove the wheel just to get the battery out on those. Yeah, he's on his own with this one.
yEP. Also, the positive battery cable is part of the engine harness on those. Getting covered in road salt. Constantly.