Has anyone used swing-out side bars for a roll cage? I'm building up a '76 BMW 2002 for HPDE and possibly club racing. However, I'd still like to drive it on the weekends, and am concerned about getting in and out of the thing with full side bars. A compromise between stiffness and egress might be to use on of the kits that allow the sidebar to swing out, using a clevis pin to lock in place. Has anyone used any of the clevis kits that would allow the sidebars to swing out? They're approved by the NHRA for full-body oem cars running less than 8.5 second quarter miles. An 8.5 second oem car is pretty serious, so I assume the swing out mechanism must be fairly stout. Would I have any trouble with SCCA or BMW CCA? I'm thinking along the lines of #7030 or #7036 from Chassisworks.com. Thanks,