New Reader
2/15/17 6:55 p.m.
Seems like we have a few interested people! Awesome! You guys want to meet up on Sunday? Im open to whenever, but then again I'm the closest...There is an autocross on Saturday in Mineral Wells and im trying to get my vette cart ready for it. Ive only tested it on the street and it keeps trying to shoot for the curb at a high rate of speed....
Ahhh the supra. Since it I an auto it Is a perfect car to cut up. 
Then again I think the easy button for race car / challenge car is the svo. Hell how complete is that car? It may be worth bringing back to driver condition and just enjoying it. If you were closer I would be down there waving green backs at you.
New Reader
2/15/17 7:10 p.m.
I bought the SHO at a police auction. They never tell you what happened, but the front right wheel had 4 of the 5 studs broken off and red and blue lights hooked up on the dash like an undercover cop would have. I also found three full magazines of 9mm but no gun...
I have been watching some youtube videos of dudes in turbo SHOs hauling ass, but that takes more brains than I have.
I'm not even in Texas but I like what I see and I'm in to follow the show.
Pattyo wrote:
In reply to unevolved:
Yeah! I always hate to sell one, but am glad she is in good hands. Plus your avatar is awesome! You feel like doing more wrenching on weekends?
Unfortunately not, my work keeps me pretty busy. I've got a lot on my plate these days, but I'll certainly be watching this with interest.
Fiero+SHO=Win That is what I saw out of all of that.
2/15/17 8:58 p.m.
If that's a 5.3 Silverado... Your options are limitless 
Dam it dude I so wish you were closer. I see ten projects there. I was first thinking the z car plus the 5.3 out of one of those trucks. Then I saw somthing that looks like a Nissan ultima or maxima and that would be fun in the z just because. There is the red svo. I just really like those cars and I really like the color of tgat one. Then there are the 50s pickups. Take the driveline from one of the modern trucks and stuff it under one of those. Not a challenge car or race car but a cool trickster all the same.
The blue mustang looks cool but I am betting that I not a challenge priced vehicle.
The old nova plus a truck motor and a carb and a cam plus headers gets you 400 hp in a sub 2500lb car.
Sho motor in the fiero?
The black pickup plus parts as needed from the other gm trucks. Slam it and make a autocross drag truck?
bmw88rider wrote:
Fiero+SHO=Win That is what I saw out of all of that.
The SHO engine was originally designed for Ford's Fiero competitor that never happened, so it would be like finishing what Ford started.
First we have to get you through your first autocross this weekend. Don't worry, we'll treat you right and since I'm bringing my newest son in law who hasn't even seen an autocross and now thinks he's going to drive one and hand my my a$$, as well as my grandson in his first autocross, what's one more newbie?!?!
After Saturday you'll really be jonesing to fix up a couple of those and run your own series!!!
another Fiero+SHO vote
and a 5.3L + 240z nomination as well.
Pattyo wrote:
In reply to DukeOfUndersteer:
Are you still with Jaguar? I thought I saw where you got a fancy gig with a race team?
Finishing out my week here. Last day is Saturday. Then it's on to Plano
New Reader
2/16/17 7:47 a.m.
In reply to DukeOfUndersteer:
Awesome! Congrats! What's your Sunday looking like? I'd like to pick your brain.
In reply to Pattyo:
Dunno yet. Probably just hanging around with the family.
Email me your number. paul(dot)hutton(dot)11 at gmail(dot)com
New Reader
2/18/17 8:50 p.m.
A couple of us are going to meet tomorrow afternoon and brainstom. Anybody else in?
New Reader
2/19/17 11:12 a.m.
how does 2:00 work for you?
Okay, you kitty-corner from the police station by that radio tower?
New Reader
2/19/17 1:30 p.m.
exactly right. Ill leave the gate open by the tower.
Sorry I couldn't come, my son's Miata blew the CAS during an autocross run on Saturday and I had to fix it Sunday afternoon.
Well let's say try to fix it. No one had a replacement in stock so it's still up on the jack stands with the CAS out. The biggest time waster was those derned plastic clips that attach it to the engine. I still don't have one of them open.
Did you guys make any decisions?
New Reader
2/20/17 8:32 p.m.
I met Dukeofundersteer and Ojala, both are fun intelligent guys. We looked around the yard and BS'd until SWMBOs started getting lonely. We decided to break for the day and contemplate various motor/chassis combos.