I've already emailed the guy, just waiting to hear back.
Thinkin about some rallycross, that's what subie people do, right?
Plus, way more practical than my Miata or Nova.
RHD has been on my automotive 'to do' list for just about ever, if you're wondering.
Bonus points as it's one of those things that, except on a 'cool' car, is only desirable to mail carriers.
Email asked bout mileage, maintenance, why he think's it's bogging under 3k, and when I could take a look.
Assuming he gets back to me, anything else I should ask?
Anything in particular I should look for if I see it?
That's what I'd gathered from a quick jaunt to google, thanks Stig.
Thankfully rust isn't a massive problem around here
(he says as if the last subaru (granted, a brat) he looked at wasn't waaaaay rusty)
Turn it in tight circles at moderate throttle in a parking lot. Go both directions. If it feels jerky or abnormally squirmy you may be looking at center diff trouble.
Also, assume the head gaskets and timing belt will need to be done the day after you get it. Regardless of what the seller claims.
Beware also the inner tie rods and front CVs, neither are known for longevity. As for the bog under 3k, if all he says is new IS new, my money is on fuel filter, vacuum leak, or passenger side cam off a tooth or two.
Duster: roger that, I've never had to deal with more than one diff before, sorta excited
(sorta cringing)
ValuePack: Heard that about the tie-rods and CVs, thanks for the heads up about the possible source of bogging.
I've read stories about simple fixes turning cars around, hopefully I can join the club.
Assuming he ever responds to my email.
My guess is plug wires. That's the symptoms my '95 with 2.2 had when the wires were bad. Go with OEM wires if you do end up buying it.
Sent another email, still nothin.
Interestingly, there's another RHD Subaru wagon on my local CL, though this one is listed for almost 4k.
A grand for a novelty is one thing, idk about 4.

My bet is on a timing belt that's one tooth off...probably already snatched up for a twin turbo swap though (JDM TT engines won't fit in LHD Subarus).