6/9/10 8:02 p.m.
So if you haven't heard the news you may not know but we had a rough start sunday and towed the Wartburg home at 3am after only getting 5 miles from the house for the BABE rally start, fixed her monday and headed out to catch the rally on Monday. Sadly the engine blew its oil pump seal about 60 miles out in Maryland and we had to limp home.
I spent the last 2 days prepping and installing the backup motor and she's up and running again.
The rally meets up in Gadsen Alabama tomorrow night and all I hear in my head is...
"It's 14 hrs to Gadsen, I got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and I'm wearing sunglasses."
Can I get a "Hit it"?
14 hours driving with an unknown motor, in a car I pieced together from parts, solo, without a support crew. And the 2.2 has a lifter tick. And I let my AAA coverage expire.
Sounds like a terrible idea, but I have an affinity for terrible ideas.
I could catch some z's till 4 am and leave out to beat DC traffic and be in Gadsen by 8 or 9pm, just in time for the drinking.
Im trying to talk myself out of it, Im trying to get others to talk me out of it but so far everyone is telling me "Hit it"
I had been trying to work out the logistics on my end to make it back to NYC, but it's not looking too good
6/9/10 8:18 p.m.
Where are you at now Raf?
I won't say hit it. I won't say don't. I will say I understand and appreciate both answers and actions. Would I go to the Challenge to visit if I did not have a car? If I planned it that way, maybe. If I did not plan it that way, no. But I do see how much the guys who travel a long way to rub elbows with former competitors is so much fun for them, that I know that connection is there. Good luck on either decision. Your effort has been appreciated! Loved following the thread. May be there next year with the boy in a Lark. 
Currently, I'm in Port Chester. Booked for the weekend, but I can sacrifice Saturday if need be. Trying to research flights, flying out Saturday morning seems to be a bit of a stretch.
I say hit it, but only because I can get some pictures with it on the way. 
step 1: renew AAA coverage
step 2: It could use a cigarette lighter.
Hit it! (Bring a tow rope and consider break downs an opportunity to mooch on the other babe contestants fuel)
6/9/10 9:20 p.m.
MrJoshua wrote:
Hit it! (Bring a tow rope and consider break downs an opportunity to mooch on the other babe contestants fuel)
If I make it to the meet up with the other BABE contestants Im golden. It's the 900 miles alone that separates us that scares the crap outta me.
Lifes to short not to face a little fear.
Do you have any access to magnets?

MrJoshua wrote:
Did ya "Hit It?"
From my Facebook feed of somebody's tweet: Holy berkeley the Wartburg just showed up! 
6/10/10 11:12 p.m.
Sorry for the delayed update. Departed at 3 am arrived 17 hours later. Wartburg is well. Driver is too old for this E36 M3.
6/10/10 11:40 p.m.
Now that Jim made the drive down by himself, he can (attempt) to sleep while I drive the bitch to Nawlins LA tomorrow.
Now why the hell was I not totally ditching the fam last night? I'm in Arlington and would have dropped everything (if you consider 1 online grad course everything) to help you out. And drink beer. The only thing I would have missed (and this is a BIG miss) was Jason Boland at the Iota in Clarendon. Sounds like you made it - glad to hear it. This type of short- notice debauchery is just what the wife loves ("my baby loves me when I'm stoned...") Whether it be by Wartburg or booz.
Oh, and congrats for the answer being "yes". You are to be commended for that.
Glad you made it. Yes, AAA and a cell phone are your friends.
6/11/10 10:01 a.m.
JThw8 wrote:
Sorry for the delayed update. Departed at 3 am arrived 17 hours later. Wartburg is well. Driver is too old for this E36 M3.
So which needed a rest break first, the Wartburg or the driver? Reminds me of driving the Fiero down to San Diego...I was so wiped by the time I was ready to leave that we only got a few hours down the road before we had to stop and sleep!
Glad to hear you made it, hopefully your luck with the powertrain keeps up. I'm anxious to hear some updates after you get back, get some rest, and have some time to reflect and show some more details!
great to hear...well done, sir.
Fantastic! And I hear ya on the age thing..my mom's place in FL is only about six hours from me, and even that run makes me sore these days (and I've never made the trip in a "homebuilt", either). BC powders are your friend.
Take lotza pix..