Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, Batman!
Since his first appearance in a 1939 edition of “Detective” comics, Batman has been a part of our culture, whether portrayed as the do-gooding Boy Scout of the campy 1960s TV series or the dark, brooding vigilante from Frank Miller’s “The Dark Knight …
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I guess even Bruce Wayne can fall into hard times, financially
. Either way, Batman would be proud of this build.
One of the builds that really opened up all of our minds about what the Challenge could really be. Fun to look back at it all these years later.
Where has the time gone ........
Where has the time gone?
I still have two of the spinners! Thank you for sending them along. 
The debate continues if the field should have helped more to get it running, or prevented it from running given it was a health hazard? Great memories. I remember seeing Dan climbing around the engine to try to keep it running.
Still one of the all-time great challenge builds. I can't believe it's been that long ago!
I remember hearing a pop and looking up and seeing the entire interior momentarily engulfed in flames. Everyone let out a collective gasp.
Two seconds later a disembodied voice proclaimed; "I'm OK!"
Then everyone let out an equally collective sigh.
You see - the owner was in the van part making adjustments to try and get some life into the Bat themed box when the brief flame burst occurred .
What ever happened to it?