My dad had someone offer him a 1980 model in a trade. I know next to nothing about them, but like them. It's a V8 with an Automatic. 130K on the clock. It turns over, but won't run.
My dad had someone offer him a 1980 model in a trade. I know next to nothing about them, but like them. It's a V8 with an Automatic. 130K on the clock. It turns over, but won't run.
I know they had some decent rust issues, but that might only apply to the ones up here in the rust belt.
Funny how crude they are by today's standards. Slower (at least the 380SL) and noisier than what one would think a German luxo cruiser would be, but still very nice. Built like a tank, too.
a life-long close friend has worked in an import (mostly euro) garage since the late '70s. regularly worked on alfas, E-types, TR3 thru 8, ACVW, saab, volvo, etc. whenever i ask him what classic eurocar i can buy, he usually threatens to cock-punch me. when i asked him about the 450SL, he said "yeah, you can get one of those. they're great cars. built like a tank, run forever."
I currently work in a Mercedes specialty shop. 450's are tough cars but are pricey to repair. Warning: they have been known to toss timing chains if the oil is not changed often enough (tensioner will get jammed) and that is a big ol' job.
If the car sat a long time something in the fuel system is probably buggered up. Some of the fuel parts are rather expensive, luckily 450s are a dime a dozen at the junkyard. From what I hear you get a bosch k-jet fuel pressure tester and go at the lines to see where it is clogged.
These cars do rust, I'm still trying to figure out why rustproofing was so low on the list.
Once the car is up and running good they are fun, getting there takes a long time and money though.
The old 560SLs were surprisingly fast. Well, in retrospect, i don't know why i was surprised, it's got a honkin' big 'ol V8 in it.
benzbaron wrote: These cars do rust, I'm still trying to figure out why rustproofing was so low on the list.
Pretty much all German cars of the 1970s tried to out-rust the Italians. It seems that back then it was acceptable to change fenders every two-three years and throw even an expensive car away after 8-10 years.
I remember when the 560SEL came out all of the car mags were impressed that it was quicker and faster than a contemporary IROC camaro. If I could find one in good shape it would be a cool car.
If you've ever pulled a fender from a mercedes you'll realize they were never meant to be removed. It took me and a helper 3hours to get one fender off, lots of heat gun and spatula action. Hardest 40$ I ever spent.
The real issue with the 560 and pretty much all V8 mercedes will be gas mileage in town. I'd bet 12-14city and 15-16highway is a good bet for projected mileage. Not too bad but then again you have to drive the cars to keep them running. These cars hate to sit and some of the fuel parts are pretty pricey. Not to mention all the bushing and shocks probably need changing.
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