Automotive Attention Deficit Disorder.
I'm still considering Jensenator swap ideas, the 1UZFE V8 is still in the running but I'm thinking of maybe a V6 as well. The VG's are pretty common but being cast iron sorta porky. Not necessarily out of the running, though. The all aluminum VQ is intriguing, but I do have a few criteria: available reasonably cheaply, RWD trans available (the 350Z fills this requirement), rear sump pan easily available (350Z to the rescue again AFAIK) and if it has variable valve timing something I can run off a simple RPM switch combined with MegaSquirt or even directly off a MegaSquirt board. It looks like the VQ30 ticks all the right boxes, but howzabout the others? The various boards seem useless.
Oh yeah, it's gotta be cheap. 
I am interested in the responses here too. I like that motor also and think it may be a good candidate for a swap into a Tracker/Sidekick.
i just wish someone would dive in and do it already.
all i can say for sure is that they're very VERY reliable.
Where is the thread for the college team (A&M?) who vq swapped the miata? Lots of good info iirc.
Found this:
Looks like all the VQ engine oil pans are front sump. That won't work so good with the J-H front crossmember. 
Yeah, um, the oil filter mounting is cast into the pan and the passageways are also cast into it. Not insurmountable, but the budget does not extend to a dry sump setup.

I meant custom subframe to make room, guess that wouldn't be easily doable?
The J-H crossmember is a bit of an oddball.The main part is only about 3 1/2" wide and the steering rack bolts to the front of it. The rearward 'arms' bolt to it and have the radius arm mounts. To modify it means reworking the entire front suspension. The 13B in there now has ~3/4" clearance.

Moving the engine further back would mean there's nowhere for the accelerator pedal, and that will not do. 
no luck with pans meant for early z and other datsun swaps?
afaik you have to change the pan to swap an vq into an s30 in the same way
I did a heap o' Googling and didn't see anything other than dry sump systems, maybe my Google-fu is weak? Have any links to the S30 swap?
EDIT: McKinney Motorsports has a S30 kit but they torch hell out of the front suspension crossmember. I'm not seeing that as practical for my setup.

VQ S30 seems like a marvelous idea.
What about the VQ out of the Frontier or Pathfinder? What's the oil pan look like on those? Should already have manual transmission available.
Near as I can tell, the Pathfinder pan is different but still hangs down far enough to interfere with the crossmember. That pic of a pan in a cardboard box is allegedly a Pathfinder pan.