This weekend, while fixing a piece of siding on the garage, I noticed some issues with the roof of the race car trailer. The seams appear to be sealed with some sort of tar/putty/aluminum backed tape and it is starting to lift. The trailer isn't leaking yet but I figure I need to get it fixed before I have more repairs. Since the hive knows all I figured I would start here. Can I just get more of this tape, yank the old off, and install new? What is it called?
Here are some pics of what is going on.

9/24/18 3:52 p.m.
I have used heavy aluminum roofing tape from home depot with good results (7 years?, still doing its job). Couldnt tell you the brand though. I just scraped the old stuff off, prepped the surface a bit with some alcohol to make sure it was clean, then new tape.
9/24/18 3:58 p.m.
Eternabond tape. Once and done.
Yes to Etrnabond. Just keep it away from your Hootus.
The Eternabond stuff looks perfect! I will give that a try (and keep it off my hootus!).
glueguy said:
Yes to Etrnabond. Just keep it away from your Hootus.
How did you?...wait!..never mind. I don't think I want to know.
9/25/18 1:24 p.m.
The liquid stuff on roof is probably a product named Dicor Self Leveling Sealent. It comes in tubes used in a caulking gun. The stuff is rather thin coming out of the tube is self leveling and cures in about 24 hours. RV and trailer manufacturers use this stuff by the case on roofs. Tape and Dicor and you will be good to go for several years.
I've use Dicor on my trailers.