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unevolved Reader
5/25/10 6:48 p.m.

Dude, we'll need all the tuning advice we can get when it comes time.

Nistune has agreed to give us a pretty handsome deal on some tuning aids, that should help a TON.

I need to get cracking on our manifold...

Gimp GRM+ Memberand Dork
5/25/10 9:07 p.m.

Way to canoe up a good thread.

Keith GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
5/25/10 11:03 p.m.
unevolved wrote: I need to get cracking on our manifold...

That's terrible phrasing.

unevolved Reader
5/25/10 11:16 p.m.

I hope that's not foreshadowing.

Tom Heath
Tom Heath Webmaster
5/26/10 9:06 a.m.
Gimp wrote: Way to canoe up a good thread.

Offending post deleted, user disabled. All his base are belong to me.

I want to hear more about the Texas-borne NisMiata.

Tom Heath
Tom Heath Webmaster
5/26/10 9:22 a.m.
Keith wrote: Any chance of a college class for the Challenge? Just a trophy for top-placed college team or something. It would be cool to highlight these schools that put in the time and effort for the event.

Something along these lines is being considered. I can't say more at this time.

hrdlydangerous Reader
5/26/10 10:38 a.m.
unevolved said: I need to get cracking on our manifold...

Maybe if you weren't granny shifting...

redzcstandardhatch Reader
5/27/10 6:59 a.m.
unevolved wrote: Dude, we'll need all the tuning advice we can get when it comes time. Nistune has agreed to give us a pretty handsome deal on some tuning aids, that should help a TON.

my brother was the US beta-tester for some of the VG stuff years and years ago...if you need ANY help with that , etc, contact us (708) 269 5646 (adam)

he LOVES THE CRAP out of nistune. its an incredible program...and these Nissan ECUs make hondas look like old football videogames. they are SO GOOD, even the old ones. rediculous.

the VG heads dont flow worth a crap... might wanna take a die grinder to them.... make EVERYTHING high flow, and you'll make some power. the powerband will be FAT, and you'll have a tire burner, even if you only get 300 WHP out ofit, you'll have more torque than you can stomach.

we're assembling parts for a twin-VG engine challenge car.. i doubt we'll be done though. this gets me fired up though

unevolved Reader
5/27/10 7:15 a.m.

Good to know, you're confirming everything I've read and have been planning on.

The plan is stock bottom end (maybe some new rings, we'll see) and headwork. And then force feed it a ton of air. That T3/T04E we picked up can move an impressive amount of CFMs, so if we can get the power down this should be a quick car.

Some traction sauce may be in order.

JoeyM HalfDork
5/27/10 8:22 a.m.
Keith wrote: That's what I was thinking. Recognition of the top-placed school team. Not necessarily college, I want to see a high school come out and kick some butt too

Keith is right. The award should go to the top school team, not the top college team. At our MSCC mini-prix I was talking to a high school autoshop teacher about the challenge, and he seemed interested. I'm sure that plenty of votech schools would be interested in joining, too.

unevolved HalfDork
7/5/10 6:00 p.m.

Finally got around to adding some more current pictures to the website. We're caught up to April 8th now, although much more has happened with the car since then. Once school got out, our workday regimen kind of suffered, and it became less and less of a scheduled event and more and more of a handful of us working on the car whenever we had the time. I think the pages are going to switch from being called "Workdays" to "periodic updates."

But regardless, when we're not blowing up the engine in the Civic, we're working on this bucket of optimism. I'm tired of hotlinking pictures, so head over to OUR WEBSITE!!!!11!11!!! for some new pictures.

JoeyM HalfDork
7/5/10 6:08 p.m.

I'll hot link it for you

unevolved HalfDork
7/5/10 8:48 p.m.

Thanks buddy. Here are some other highlights, now that I've eaten dinner.

(Yes, I was making engine noises when this picture was taken.)

spin_out New Reader
7/6/10 9:33 a.m.

"( Yes, I was making engine noises when this picture was taken.) "

Which noises? Road racing, Baahhh, Baahhhh, Baahhhhhh. Or Drag racing, Bup-pah-da, Bup-pah-da, Bup-pah-da ?

While working on our challenge car, I've been making the drag race idle noises. But I have no idea why. :)

unevolved HalfDork
7/6/10 3:02 p.m.

Road racing with blow-off valve.

unevolved HalfDork
7/9/10 1:45 p.m.

Got the intercooler mounted, and a few other miscellaneous things.

miatame Reader
7/9/10 2:18 p.m.

I once thought I was keeping our $2010 build a secret because of its sheer awesomeness...I didn't want to blow everyone's load so early. Now I realize I didn't tell anyone because it is borderline embarrassing how far behind we are/were/will always be.

Good job on the build, can't wait to see it in...82 days....

unevolved HalfDork
7/9/10 3:14 p.m.

Yeah, it's kinda scary... We've got a lot to do yet.

racerfink Reader
7/9/10 5:09 p.m.


unevolved HalfDork
7/9/10 6:05 p.m.

Hell yeah! What year are you?

racerfink Reader
7/9/10 7:08 p.m.

Well, if I'd have stayed, instead of leaving for Florida to try to go racing, I would have been c/o '91. I think I met you at Sebring a couple of years ago, when you were working with the Kesslers.

unevolved HalfDork
7/9/10 7:54 p.m.

I believe you're thinking of Sam. Kester Racing had gone under by the time I was looking for a job, else I'd probably be working for them too.

racerfink Reader
7/9/10 11:01 p.m.

Yeah, Kester. That's it. Are they still running FM there at TWS?

From what I remember, Kristy was faster than her brother there at Sebring.

unevolved HalfDork
7/9/10 11:17 p.m.

Nah, Kester Racing is a shadow of its former self. He sold all the cars but one, and kept one employee (Josh). They're (he's, rather) running a shop at TWS doing some odd jobs. Whatever business model he may have had has since changed drastically.

I hear Kristy was faster than JC quite a bit last year.

Koukika240sx New Reader
7/10/10 9:43 a.m.

racerfink, you met me last year. It was good meeting you. But the team went under 4 races later and i switched to team GDT until about 3 months ago. I now have a "real" job outside of racing.

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