I wanted to voice my gratitude for ONLY having one subscription card in the October 2010 issue. It makes me go nuts(more then usual), with some of the magazines I receive having to spend 5 minutes pulling out the cards.
I honestly and truely appreciate it, my other fav with this issue is the thicker magazine, I dunno if its more ads or content but please keep it up.
Second that!!! I also enjoyed Tim's article about improving things. I have a list I use to keep but all it did was get me frustrated.
Great Read Tim!!!!
I have not finished reading this issue (got it yesterday) but so far it is very good!
Many thanks!!!
I have not finished it as of yet either, I'm about halfway through.
I've not been reading the articles as I used to. I've been reading the editorials and the tech articles, but that's all. I feel like a bad boy.
My renewal is due in May. Wife told me I better get the 10 year.
oh yes! I hate those damn cards with a passion. Some magazines you rip them out and half the magazine disappears