9/30/12 9:05 a.m.

I had a great time at the challenge this year!
Thanks to you all. Making it the best year ever.
Every year the event gets better and better. To anyone
That won’t to know I will have a car next year. As I am now on the
No fly list. It looks like it may have been a bad idea to show the TSA agent
The inside of my valve cover racer with out using any tools. They would not let me
On my flight with seeing the inside, I did not want to miss my flight. So with out
Thinking I made it possible to see the inside. After spending some time
In the time out box and revue of the video. I did not go to jail or get fined today.
I did how ever make my flight, with the request not to come back. The valve cover
Racer did not make the flight. Even after I complied with the TSA agent request.
Thanks! GRM! No thanks TSA!!!!!!!!!
Wow, no comment under current GRM guidelines, but glad you got out of it unscathed even if the racer did not.
Now to explain to the donor.
Wow, such excitement. Glad you didn't go to jail, but bummer that the reigning GRM valve cover champion will never get to defend its honor.
By the way, thanks for making the trip, Jonny.
Get a carbon fiber or plastic valvecover that way the x rays can see through it.
Send it UPS to the GRM headquaters a couple of days befor you leave? I use to do this with tools I needed when traveling. Saves alot of time and troubble at the airport.
9/30/12 1:37 p.m.
I couldn't read that first post...
What is so bad about a valve cover with wheels that it isn't allowed on a plane?
Isn't that the cover sat on top of an RC boat or something? I guess the metal cover with wires and motors and such underneath cuaght their attention.
They just wanted the fastest valve cover racer for themselves! 
Wait, I'm not sure I'm joking...
I seem to be one some kind of watchlist, I only flew into the US once and got an SSSS code leaving, my dad who has the same first and last name gets it every time. I have a very uncommon last name.
9/30/12 2:37 p.m.
Just made it home! Thanks guys I had to vent.
I don’t know what the deal was it was just a toy. With ball bearing inside it.
They could see that it had BBs in it and no explosives. I don’t get it. I was not the
Only one that they we being overly proactive with. A guy had to unpack his back pack.
He left his pc in it and did not speak English. They could have just removed the PC and
Just X ray it. So do we have rights when it comes to TSA?
GVX19 wrote:
So do we have rights when it comes to TSA?
You have the right to get nekkid in the airport and say it is a form of free speech.

I did not realize that JG once had a beard.
JohnRW1621 wrote:
I did not realize that JG once had a beard.
Hahaha I thought the same thing when I saw that picture.
9/30/12 7:57 p.m.
93EXCivic wrote:
JohnRW1621 wrote:
I did not realize that JG once had a beard.
Hahaha I thought the same thing when I saw that picture.
That is clearly Rutledge Wood. If it were JG there would be a parrot on his shoulder.
Rutledge Wood, is that a condition like or similar to Morning Wood?
If a TSA agent doesn't know what an item is, obviously it is a bomb. They're wearing a uniform, after all.
Asked not to come back... Were you just kicked out of Florida?
Probably not a good time to say: "It's okay, I only bought a one-way ticket."
Appleseed wrote:
Asked not to come back... Were you just kicked out of Florida?
Working on his quota, obviously:
"Some say he is illegal in 17 U.S. states, and he blinks this way"