For not banning me for posting a link to a NASA link to name a new part of the space station.
I posted the link in the wrong section by accident on and thread got locked. posted it again in a different section got banned because of the douchebag moderators on that site. The whole crew of owners/admins/moderators on that site are f'ing ridiculous tools, they could fill a whole garages worth. If it wasn't for the high flow of traffic on that site and my constant selling of parts I would never visit there.
Thank you! Even though my poo thread got deleted.
What is it with the language recently?
It's about mid-way through the semester and 18 credit hours plus 35 hours of work a week are starting to take it's tole. I get stressed and start cursing like sailor sorry.
Dude I said ASPIRE, not as...
DirtyBird- been there, done that. I feel your pain. Oh, and I worked in a commercial kitchen, so the cursing like a sailor was more like being able to make a sailor blush.
mistanfo wrote:
Oh, and I worked in a commercial kitchen, so the cursing like a sailor was more like being able to make a sailor blush.
Talk to my wife after a Saturday double 
Haha, i worked as a pizza delivery driver at an Italian restaurant for like 3 years I know all about that. Especially the cooks and pizza guys that worked 13 hours straight and then had some busboy piss them off at the end of the night.
But seriously, it's nice to have a forum where most everyone has a sense of humor about things and the admins/mods only mount their high horse in extreme cases. Looks like I'm gonna have to make the switch to or one of the similar ones. Half the time I ask for info on as well I just get replies that say "DON'T KNOW HOW TO USE THE SEARCH?!!?!?!?!?!"
Through my frustration one of my friends made these for me to post up there on an alter-ego.

Maybe that's a by product of forum maturity. I know has been the same way. I haven't been over there in awhile so I can't say they're still the same. I do know the current owner is trying to make the place more accomodating lately by reigning in the hazing, the moderators banning everyone who doesn't "kiss the ring", as well as the usual search button nazis.
Not that you want everyone asking the same question day in and day out but come on! Not everyone has been reading the board since fish crawled out the sea.
MY EYES!!!!!!!!
wish there were a smiley like
I consider myself a semi-mature individual but on the internet I like to joke around, but I rarely cross the line. I didn't know rick rolling the space station was crossing the line lol.
I know ProStockJohn and nineball on ls1tech are the guys who own/operate the site and they are two of the most immature "adults" I know of and their selection of admins/moderators really shows that. I am amazed at the amount of sponsors that acquaint themselves with that site, but like I said it must be the high volume of internet traffic that site gets.
Maybe I'm wrong or making a big deal about it, I just think it is ridiculous.
Here's the source of the Nintendo Nerd Warrior King for others who want it:

Reminds me of a local car was total crap, some of the moderators were overgrown children, and every one thought they were teh l33tz0rs! They'd look for any excuse to ban me, one time they banned me from the Classifieds section for "lowballing" - some dude asked the US retail price of an item and I posted a link. Another time a guy asked for a list of all the local sites selling car parts - I listed them all (starting with the site we were currently on) and my post was deleted for linking to competitors. In my last thread I asked if any shop would let me use their lift for a couple of minutes to fix an underbody scrape, the jackass brigade (which consisted entirely of people older than me, BTW) rolled in and told me what a cheapass I was and how they hoped the lift would fall on me, the usual schoolyard stuff, and eventually got around to the age-old question of why I hadn't been banned yet, why are the moderators so negligent? I ignored them as much as possible but then I had enough. My last post was:
bitch whine bitch whine bitch, we don't like this guy, let's ban him, whine bitch whine bitch whine.
Why do I keep expecting you people to GROW UP?