Did a fly and drive back in April for a 2002 GS300 with 110k for 3800. This car was taken to the dealership for every oil change, every maintenance item.

5 months in, this was probably my favorite car I've ever owned. Lexus smooth, peppy, and that door sound. Nothing sounds better than a lexus door closing. Just added a android head unit, got to use it for a week.

Sitting at a stop light waiting for the light to change. was messing with the brightness on the radio, and that came out of nowhere. No idea how fast he was going. Quarter panel is done, lid, bumper, and the trunk latch/floor is bent in. If it was bolt on parts I'd buy it back. Trunk and quarter panel, its going to go.
Progressive called me today to tell me its totalled. 6200$ is the buyout, with another 2000 for injury. This is the first accident I've ever been in, so never had to deal with this before. I was expecting a battle with their offer. With 6200 for a 3800$ car, i'll take it.
Glad you're ok! Now you can remove the headunit and take your payout and roll it into another GS.
That sucks. But at least you have enough to find another.
11/8/19 12:33 p.m.
In reply to lnlogauge :
What Patrick said.
Depending on the guy-back price, I’d be interested in buying it from you.
Try a 400 or 430 next time!
In reply to Patrick :
I'll find out for you and let you know soon. Going to progressive today.
Those are really great cars. While they don't have the full grunt of the v8 models they're peppy in a way the v8 isn't. It's hard to describe but they feel more "eager." Id still rather have the v8 for power since the fuel economy is no different but they sure do feel different.
sorry to hear about the accident, but I'm glad the buyout is enough to make you happy.
You may be able to keep your new head unit as personal property.
lnlogauge said:
In reply to Patrick :
I'll find out for you and let you know soon. Going to progressive today.
Cool. I'm not flush with play money right now but do have a strong desire to 2jz something american to piss everyone off.
11/8/19 10:37 p.m.
Bright side: The next gen GS is way better and in your new price range. 
11/9/19 10:39 a.m.
Ghettocet time. This would be really cool to see. I know there's a lot of weight to remove.
11/9/19 11:01 a.m.
Sorry to hear it - my minty 01 IS300 died the same death, albeit after 50K mile of good service. I got him by a Q56 doing 55MPH while stopped, amazingly I walked away. They really wreck well.
11/9/19 1:38 p.m.
In reply to lnlogauge :
Could be a coincidence, but when my Impreza was totaled out after a similar collision, I got a call from Copart about 15 minutes after I signed the title over.
I didn't answer, because there was no way I was buying the Impreza back and fixing it. I loved that car, but I'm an extremely busy man living in a tiny apartment at the moment, and time / transportation is critical for me. I did wonder if they wanted to see if I wanted my car back for some reasonable price.