So I've got this '85 RX7 I'm fixing up. One of the items to address on my long, long list has been new wheels and tires. Not only are the existing tires small (185/70/R13) but they're old. That, and the OEM wheels are ugly, although I could deal with that. Only thing is, wheels for this car are very hard to find, thanks largely in part to the lovely 4x110 bolt pattern. The options are expensive wheels, rare wheels, adapters, or switch bolt patterns.
The other day on Craigslist (, actually) I find a posting called "RX7 Partout" that mentions some 15" Enkeis for sale. I email the seller and ask some questions, and I find out they're Enkei 92s in 15x7 +7, 4x110. Needless to say, within 6 hours of him posting the ad I had arranged pickup for Friday (this morning). I picked up these JDM beauties for $400, and it was well worth it if only for the scarcity of these wheels.
Here are some pictures. Sorry about the "censoring" but there's some top secret Challenge goodies in there I don't want to reveal quite yet. 

Very nice.
I recall from my RX-7 days that finding 4x110 rims can be a real pain.
2/26/10 2:11 p.m.
That's vigilance, not vigilantism.
Probably a happier story this way.
Nice score, btw.
I was hoping to see a vigilante :)
2/26/10 2:30 p.m.
I was epecting Chuck Norris discussing business policies with a scammer.
I was looking for Paul Kersey.
2/26/10 2:40 p.m.
Worst vigilante story ever.
Vigalante story ending...
"But it turns out the wheels were not authentic. Worse than that, I had to put a $1000 deposit down on them and wait for them to ship from the UK. Of course they haven't shown up and now I think this guy is scamming me. So, I've put an ad on CL to see if I can get somebody to go over and "take care" of this guy, if you know what I mean."

I hope the eyeballs motif makes it onto the car!
Welcome to the rare Enkei wheels club!!!
They look great. 
Why would you hide a 302 Ford?
I was expecting a CL revenge story. Still good, though.
93celicaGT2 wrote:
Welcome to the rare Enkei wheels club!!!
They look great.
Enkei 92's really are great looking wheels, but a PITA to keep clean.
Patience, some well-chosen brushes and a few beers will help during a wash.
A friend of mine is about to buy a Spec RX7 with this bolt pattern. He's already looking for some different wheels. Ah, the pain in his future...
Nice looking wheels! And I particularly enjoy the censorship. Please post more censored photos, o Vigilante.
Wobble bolts should allow for 4x112 or 4x108 (4x4.25)
2/26/10 5:27 p.m.
Salvage this story with "So then I killed him."
I too was expecting someone to die.
Lucky bas... All my vigilantism has gotten me is trouble. And a safer town.
Cheap 4x110 can be had from Marsh Racing Wheels. They build them to suit. Not as cool looking though. The wobble bolts work too.
Nice wheels.
I did have to stab him, actually.
Tell me more about wobble bolts please.
I saw someone on CL selling wobble bolts, I didn't like the looks of them. It is like the bolt head is offset 2mm from the threaded portion allowing you to put wheels on a car that weren't intended.
I'm not sure I'd be comfortable running wobble bolts, the engineer in me doesn't like it.
Lakeshore Wheel and Tire is where I got mine.
I've put about 3000 miles on them as well as 3 autocrosses with no problems. With 3-4 drivers that's over 50 runs.
2/26/10 7:49 p.m.
Treb wrote:
That's vigilance, not vigilantism.
That's what I was thinking! I figured the wheels were stolen and some guy with a tire iron came around to reclaim his property the hard way.
Nice score, though.
Wobble bolts are probably better than this solution.

So the conical or spherical seat has latteral movement it it. Do they only work for hub centric? Is there a wobble nut? (get your mind out of the gutter)