Alright guys and gals. I'm shortly going to be in the position to put down some dough on something seriously fun, but I'm looking for something that will give the purest driving experience. Just to give a little info about myself... I am the type that would drive a Radical daily if it were street legal but unfortunately It doesn't have a roof nor is it... street legal. I want something fun... I want something that will make me never want to leave... Ive been thinking along the lines of a LOTUS Elise, an Audi R8, a Caterham 7... the list goes on. Right now I own an RX8... I absolutely love that Chassis. It is so well sorted and balanced that it will probably turn into my winter rally machine. Any suggestions, first hand experiences? I need my commute to work to feel as invigorating as possible and also reliable enough to withstand some trackdays throughout the year. Thanks yall!
If you live anyplace where it rains, I wouldn't drive a Caterham daily. And that's coming from someone who nearly just bought one and will have one in the future.
Lotii are always good for feedback and Elises are mostly watertight. From personal experience I'd also add an aircooled 911 (especially anything pre-964).
And of course, a slightly tweaked Miata.
Ariel Atom?
it'd be fun in the winter
A seven and a r8 are really different beasts...
Is driving fun your only requirement? Then the seven might the purest...
For more daily driving space and weather protections, a cayman, porsche gt3 rs if a good deal can be find, cayman, 73 911 rs replica, a cobra or daytona...
996 GT3s can easily be found for about half the budget.
You can be the first to turbocharged or swap an ls7 into a nd miata... im shure flyin'miata eould be glad to help you :)
Driving fun with the best steering rack, best suspension setup and roof wins!
8/3/15 7:00 p.m.
Have you considered a bike? Perhaps a crotch rocket would meet your requirements and save you some money.
Have FM build you an LS3 exocet, and pocket 50k for a trailer, tow rig, etc.
If you are looking for a roof, Elise. Nothing else like it that is weather tight. Everything else is watered down. S1 elise is even better but....well you'll have to move to europe to enjoy that.
8/4/15 12:07 a.m.
Jaynen wrote:
Ultima GTR?
Super Light Coupe could be a consideration too. 
T.J. wrote:
Have you considered a bike? Perhaps a crotch rocket would meet your requirements and save you some money.
Man, where's the fun? Spend the guy's money!
I found a few GT3s just under the price ceiling. You could also get a very nice NSX.
Or, go for the gold and get a Ferrari 360.
8/4/15 8:37 a.m.

This should do it for you. If you are not a DIY person, contact Flying Miata and they will put it together for you. At a guess, I am gonna figure 60k should see you on the road.
And from what I know, people do drive the Exocet on the road.
You should wait a little, and check out the ND Miata, along with the FR-S/BRZ. Then, there's the Factory Five 818 and the KTM Crossbow.

In reply to johndej: Winter clothes and a helmet aught to do it. 
In reply to T.J.: They say that two wheels are more thrilling than four, so a super sport bike is probably the correct answer.
Lotus Exige S260 with track pack. It's brilliant and it's almost a real car so when it rains you don't need shelter.

It's not as a razor sharp as a lotus but it's brilliant, and it's MUCH faster.

In reply to Giant Purple Snorklewacker:
The GT4 is pretty much a faster, more capable hardtop miata. Same balance of power, turn in and grip, everything is just amplified. The comparison is really a great compliment to both vehicles.
I'll second all the kits mentioned. Superlite Coupe, Ultima GTR (also available prebuilt, but maybe not within budget), FFR 818 if you want to save some money, or if you don't need it to be weatherproof, an Exocet. You could make a mind-blowingly fast Exocet, the fastest ever made, and still have some of that $100k left over - even if you pay a shop to do all the work.
Edit: If you want something that's "almost a real car" I'd second the Exige. You might want to look at a new S3.
captdownshift wrote:
In reply to Giant Purple Snorklewacker:
The GT4 is pretty much a faster, more capable hardtop miata. Same balance of power, turn in and grip, everything is just amplified. The comparison is really a great compliment to both vehicles.
If you are using the Miata as a base reference...
Miata == faucet
Cayman == Niagra Falls