Well, I sold my auto-x MKI GTI about three years ago. I never made it out to track days or auto-x anymore with work and kids and life. As soon as it was gone I was wishing I would have just popped it in the back of the garage and kept it. So I've been playing with other stuff in the meantime, diesel rabbits and cushmans. I started looking for a summer fun car two months ago, no real qualifications just fun to drive and cheap enough to justify as a fourth car.
1 MGB GT, 3000$ posted here briefly, seller had a change of heart as I was arranging a trailer to go get it.
2 x1/9, 500$ info passed on to me by grtechguy on here. Needed way more work than I was interested in.
3 x1/9, 250$ on xweb needed a trans, sold to quickly for me to make a move
4 x1/9, 3200$ info came from a guys dad who heard I was looking. He dawdled back and forth on wether he really wanted to sell it. (now listed at $2500 on xweb)
5 78 rabbit, $2500 on vortex 2.0 swap with cam and other goodies. Body work has been skimmed, needs done right.
6 conquest, 3500$ saw it a gtg for sale 5.0 swap running and driving, well done. Sold in two days, I was late.
7 951, 4100$ on Youngstown Craigslist. Lots of crap done, fender bender recently. Great start for a LS swap which is something I really would like. Actually saw it on a trailer this afternoon heading towards Cleveland.
I looked at about forty cars over the last two months, wasn't really set untill I spoke over the phone with the seller of the rabbit on vortex. It was like an interview, he wanted to make sure it was going to the right person. I bought it; way under challenge money. I really think I prefer to look at and buy cars than anything else, lol.
I'll post some pictures here in a bit, did I mention it has a power sliding roof from a fuego?
Rabbit FTW! Awesome. Debating on the 2.slow update for my 83.
vwcorvette wrote:
Rabbit FTW! Awesome. Debating on the 2.slow update for my 83.
Actually, rabbit number 39 for me. I love them.
Been cleaning a bit, lots of rust repair going. Poor car sat for ten years or so after it got painted so lots of lifting and moisture under the paint.
Something about BBS on a MKI.

That is cool, I even like the over the top interior. Good luck with it!
Did I see Don Johnson in a shirt from that material on the seats? 
Man I would have jumped on one of the X 1/9s, found an RX7 motor and started on building an RXX7&1/9 for next year's Challenge.
But early GTIs and Rabbits are cool, too. Love to watch them on an auto-x course imitating a dog going after a fire hydrant.
Lol you haven't seen mine then... flat flat flat. Even with 9in wide race rubber it doesn't seem to want to lift that inside wheel. Before the suspension work I was carrying it 30' out from the bus stop on our local test track.
7/11/12 12:24 a.m.
Please re-upholster the seat centers to match the door cards!
I would go with number 4.
I like the Rabbit, even with the interesting seat upholstery.
Kenny_McCormic wrote:
I would go with number 4.
That is the car I wanted; however, he hemmed and hawed for a couple weeks deciding if he wanted to sell it then the day after I bought this he emails me and says its for sale. Too late.
Door cards will be black, seats are wicked comfy!
Details on that roof set-up please!
fornetti14 wrote:
Details on that roof set-up please!
It's the power slider out of a Renault Fuego, sunroof car originally just a larger hole! Works great, the front is coming unglued so I may take it to a convertible top place here in town to have it repaired. It fits the contours PERFECTLY!
So today is the largest MKI gathering in the USA, possibly the world. Mki madness is huge camping and VW shenanigans of which i am wholly uninterested exceptthe cars. I am not going though; since I am stuck in the middle of rust repair. My brother is going with his MKI jetta coupe, hoping he'll get some great pics.
I picked up some parts at the yard yesterday and looking for time to start mocking up. I may look for a caged car though since the berg cup stuff isn't really for a street car so much.