I have a thing for vintage heavy duty pickup trucks. Especially stock looking trucks. Post any pics you have here. I'll start. The first one is mine.
It's a '77 Bonanza C-20 with a factory 454, full floater positraction rearend, dual batteries, upgraded suspension, A/C, dual fuel tanks, big brakes, etc...

Okay, not heavy duty, but still cool:

my father in laws fleet...

1/10/13 9:22 a.m.
bravenrace wrote:
Goliath! Didn't Brian sell it to buy a wrecker?
In reply to slefain:
I know he sold it, but not sure if it was to buy the wrecker or not. Either way, he's an Idiot for selling it, and I'm an idiot for not buying it.
bravenrace wrote:
That is, wait for it, ... AWESOME
<img src="
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1954 Dodge Powerwagon. Everything works. It is a true working beast.
In reply to pilotbraden:
I always wanted one of those. Nice truck.
My old Dodge. Still got a hankerin' for a COE with a big box.

1/10/13 11:06 a.m.
I don't know if this counts as heavy duty...

<img src="
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Not really a pickup. One of the guys that was in my grandfather's WWII infantry division. He drives it to their reunion/awards ceremony every year. He was a Jeep driver for a Colonel