It would seem that as a trend, fewer and fewer kids are heading over to the DMV to get a drivers permit; somewhere between 15-18% decline since 1983. This was more of a trivia piece to me than newsworthy until I realized that my daughter has no intention of getting a license.
So, once that DNA test came back confirming that she was, in fact, of my DNA line, I asked why this was so.
Driving is dangerous. The cops are out to get us so why bother? Easier to get around on the bus Parking sucks anywhere worth going Who can ever afford to drive? Insurance, gas and maintenance are beyond what they see themselves ever earning. Today paychecks don't cover the cost of vehicle ownership. Need the money for electronics Need money for rent. Cars alway break-down and you get ripped off by repair guys Car are not "Green"
While these were just my daughter's responses, I am sure there are others.
So, while in the short term, I am glad to hear that the roads will be less congested, I worry that the critical mass to support an auto industry and insurance industry will start to erode. If our insurance companies don't have youth to stick it to with the huge premiums, I am sure we are next in line. Same thing with the revenue generation from fines and profits from gasoline sales.
What say the board? Are roads going to be less crowded or is this trend a short tem blip in the statisitics? What are the long term repercusions? Is this in fact a good thing in that this new generation will push for muc improved public transit that makes private car ownerhip obsolete?