I just wanted to take the time to say BRAVO!!! There's been a lot of comment about GRM's content lately, what is and is not "grassroots", and even some negativity. Since I do take the time to voice complaints (the Mustang issue) I want to make it a point to voice PRAISE as well.
This issue was hands down the BEST GRM I've read since I subscribed! I sat down to flip through it a little last night and ended up staying up late reading the whole thing cover-to-cover. I just couldn't put it down! Per's editorial on finding "the" LeGrand, the 2008 Challenge, the 25 favorite Challengers, the Bezerkely suspension, it was all GREAT!
Excellent issue all the way around! I can't wait for the next one!
Tom Heath
Production Editor
2/18/09 10:58 a.m.
I heart P71, at least until he finds a typo.
I hope the mailman finishes mine soon, and doesn't defile it like he did last months issue of Cat Fancy
Know what? I'm subscribing to this mag today. I always buy it at Greetings and Readings, but I don't know why.
I second the motion. This is a really good issue. I loved the look back at 25 significant Challenge cars, and the 962/Spec article was some interesting reading.
New Reader
2/18/09 12:44 p.m.
Me three. More focusing on the challenge cars was definitely a good thing.
Wally wrote:
I hope the mailman finishes mine soon, and doesn't defile it like he did last months issue of Cat Fancy
They have Cat Fancy at our school library.
2/18/09 12:54 p.m.
Tommy Suddard wrote:
Wally wrote:
I hope the mailman finishes mine soon, and doesn't defile it like he did last months issue of Cat Fancy
They have Cat Fancy at our school library.
shouldn't you be in class?
The 962/Miata feature was flipping AWESOME! More of that for sure! In fact, ANY old race cars would be very, very welcome. Especially if they're still being raced like that 962.
Personally, I'd like to see more issues chock full of half-million dollar mustang race cars...

Add me to the 'damn good issue' chorus. 
I also read it cover to cover the day it came in.
Coincidentally a box of parts for my $2009 challenge car, (a '65 Mustang) came in the same day.
No comment on Andy being cute, but his cars are sexy.
Oh, and if it will help my 2009 jugding scores..... the picture of the judges was sexy too.
+1. I was especially impressed with the honesty in Tim's article. Bravo.
2/20/09 2:59 a.m.
To GRM: if I were to order a subscription right now, could I still get in on this issue? I want the Challenge content.
I have GRM envy - mine still hasn't shown up!
The mail man must like the latest issue, too.
To GRM: if I were to order a subscription right now, could I still get in on this issue? I want the Challenge content.
We do a supplemental mailing midway through an issue cycle for folks that subscribe just after an issue comes out. Although, honestly, I'm not sure if that mailing has gone out yet for the April issue. that's not my department.
Best bet is to call us and subscribe rather than do it on the web. 888-676-9747. We'll get you hooked up.
It was a really good day yesterday. GRM, Summit catalog, and Pegasus Racing catalog all at once. This issue was great.
Per- Great article on the Legrand. It's pretty cool the way things worked out with your car. I'm really looking forward to the chronicling of the build. I finally got all the drool off the car and you only creeped me out a little in Kansas..
OK, so with all this hype... WTF is my issue!? I have been holding a crap for 2 days so I'd have a reason to hide from the wife and kids for an hour.
New Reader
2/20/09 8:15 a.m.
I can't wait. I just subscribed for the first time (after buying it on the newstand since 1998) but I am getting impatient. 
I finally got mine today.
I got a sneak peak when evildky let me see his copy while I was in Kentucky for business. Nishe. Got home late Friday and was able to read through it, Nishe, nishe. Have to share a little story about the burn out pic. The photgragher wanted a big burnout in a certain place. I said I would do another one if the first one didn't work, but I wanted to be past the burn out box. In case you did not know, most tracks throw you out if you burn through the starting line (except Pro classes). When I pulled up to the burn out area, I was able to signal the Starter and indicate that I would burn through. She nodded and moved behind the rail. 1-2-3, the car stood up on the hides as I fishtailed side to side for about 200 feet John Force wanna-be style. I don't know if I have ever enjoyed a driving moment as much as that one. Man did that put a smile on my face. Anywho, if you look at the back tire you can see it is standing up from the speed.....thanks for that opportunity, and thank you GRM and fellow competitors for making it such a fantastic event. Seeing and hearing the buzz that has already started about the 2009 event....Wow are we going to have a great show this year. It is great to hear that some past competitors are coming back to join in.