I was taking food up to J.G. and Gabe in the press box/announcing booth when Andy did his super burnout. I was so wowed that I tripped and completely wiped out on the stairs, scattering chicken tenders and fries everywhere... so I ran around the stairwell, picked it all up, put it back in the little paper baskets, and took it on to the guys. I made full disclosure, but they still ate it--as I knew they would.
The moral of the story is that just as you always expected, publishing is full of glamorous behind-the-scenes stories. Glad you liked the issue--we really do have fun putting them out.
edit: I know it was Andy, but had a brain fart and typed "Denny." Stupid weekend brain-death.
so, andy, what amazine moster are you bring this year if we have to ask? is it going to a i could tell you but then i would have to kill you thing?????
i have to check the mail for my issue tommor now...errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
i agree wholeheartedly with the OP...GREAT ISSUE.
I especially like the Redman + Spec Miata + vintage Porshe endurance racer formula...
2/23/09 1:17 p.m.
Waiting for issue one of my ten-year sub- glad to hear it should be epic. :)
I really appreciate the Spotter's Guide. I try to meet everyone each year, but that's a challenge. It is great to read a blurb about every team. Loved all the pics and comments throughout the event. I wonder if Matt is still limping.
ckosacranoid wrote:
so, andy, what amazine moster are you bring this year if we have to ask? is it going to a i could tell you but then i would have to kill you thing?????
i have to check the mail for my issue tommor now...errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Sorry Jason....it will be worth the wait.
its the kill you optian then..eheheheheh
the bug was super cool thouh and how is your son doing?
i read about it in the issue and had to ask.
overall veiw of this issues.......2 thumbs up....the overall stuff was cool. the 25 best was neat. the challange issue is always very cool.
the spec vs porsha was very cool though...
per talking about fidning his dads race car was very cool and neat how that come about.
3/2/09 7:56 p.m.
Marjorie Suddard wrote:
The moral of the story is that just as you always expected, publishing is full of glamorous behind-the-scenes stories.
All the more reason for the office to go live on webcam, as David (jokingly?) alluded to. 
i had so much fun at the $2008 challenge, and reading the article had me SMILIN' like crazy.
oh how i wish our' lil' off white CRX had bested the hongs, but they deserved it, and MAN was that a close top 5, score-wise.
AWESOME event, awesone issue!
i had so much fun at the $2008 challenge, and reading the article had me SMILIN' like crazy.
oh how i wish our' lil' off white CRX had bested the hongs, but they deserved it, and MAN was that a close top 5, score-wise.
AWESOME event, awesone issue!
poopshovel wrote:
+1. I was especially impressed with the honesty in Tim's article. Bravo.
+1 on Tim's editorial. I'm guilty of past hooning, but setting a good example for my kids, losing a couple of friends in car wrecks, bicycling to work, and just aging into a more acute sense of my own mortality has caused me to (more) closely adhere to speed limits. I really take it pretty easy on the streets, these days, and I'm more relaxed, because of it. It's shocking how little time you actually save by cut-and-thrust driving, and doing it "for fun" now seems more than a little irresponsible.
Can't wait to read the rest of the issue.
i had so much fun at the $2008 challenge, and reading the article had me SMILIN' like crazy.
oh how i wish our' lil' off white CRX had bested the hongs, but they deserved it, and MAN was that a close top 5, score-wise.
+1 for a TIGHT top-five. Makes the whole event a lot more fun. My huevos shriveled a bit when I heard Gutty's drag times
. Great job, and can't wait to see how you guys do next year.
walterj wrote:
OK, so with all this hype... WTF is my issue!? I have been holding a crap for 2 days so I'd have a reason to hide from the wife and kids for an hour.
Walter are you still ful of it?
3/3/09 5:54 p.m.
Gonzo_Bmod wrote:
It was a really good day yesterday. GRM, Summit catalog, and Pegasus Racing catalog all at once. This issue was great.
You sound like you checked MY mailbox! haha