The Dodge Magnum?! Not sure if I buy that.
Quite an interesting list compiled by cnbc, including the Nissan GT-R, R32 and Lexus IS-F with a Chrysler Pacifica and a Saturn Outlook?
They aren't the flashiest or fanciest cars, said Acevedo, which may surprise some.
Did this guy even both to do a Google image search of these cars? Because a couple of them are quite fancy (and somewhat under the radar flashy).
Weird. I'm a millenial and all my non-car friends I know seem to drive Hondas or VWs.
Me too, and I've yet to own (or really consider) any on those list (except maybe the R32). I would have thought Kia's and Hyundai's or BMW's and Audi's.
So, I guess this is what happens when someone who doesn't know anything about cars tries to write an article about cars.
I'm pretty sure all car lists printed in the mainstream media are made up...they just have some intern throw a bunch of words on screen.
A friend of mine (also a "millenial") inherited a Chrysler Pacifica and had to drive it for a few years. He vehemently hated it and openly flaunted what an awful car he thought it was and that is previous 1993 Toyota Previa was superior to the Pacifica.
I'm on the upper edge of the millenials, I don't know anybody who owns any of those vehicles beyond the WRX. Looking in the parking lot of my office, which is populated almost entirely with millenials, you won't find any of those vehicles at all - not even a WRX sadly.
My only idea on the Aztec is breaking bad fans.
Failure. My millennial friends have a P71, an E36 M3, a Kia Sportage, a Toyota Echo, and a Hyundai Santa Fe. I'm buying an Astro van.
Granted I'm a "millennial" just barely but.... No one I know in the 20 to 35 age group owns any if these except the WRX.
It has to be a wishlist.
What the berkeley is a millennial?
I think I may be a millenial (shrug) I'm 34. If you asked me the most popular vehicles of people my age based solely on observation it would full size pickups, honda odyssey, then a bunch of civics and camrys and what not. I would drive a dodge magnum though. I think theyre cool, I even like them more than the charger.
In reply to Mazdax605:
Basically the post-Gen X population, more or less born sometime between 1980 and 2000, grew up with the internet at least to some extent, etc.
I'm probably a perfect median example: born in 1989 and learned to compute on a Commodore 64, know how to use rotary dial phones, etc, but also got the 'net in '97 or thereabouts and watched it grow from a novelty into a necessity, survived as a teenager in the pre-cellphone era, and so forth.
I drove mostly European trash from the time I was 16 until recently, and my first financed auto purchase (as of this weekend) is a Honda Fit, so take that for what it's worth.
Millenial is the current term for "those darn kids nowadays".
They don't own cars, they just live in their parents basement and bitch about the lack of public transit....
For some time on the show, "lists" became a topic. The thing about them was how hilariously off they were even when written by car people.
I call BS on that. I know way too many driving BMW's and Toyota/Honda/Nissan
New Reader
9/23/15 12:59 a.m.
In reply to WOW Really Paul?:
I'm really curious as to how they collected the data for that list (assuming it wasnt pulled from someones ass.) There is no possible way that a GTR or ISF could açcount for any statistically significant share of auto sales amongst any age group, let alone the one probably least able to afford cars like those.
I'm squarely in the heart of the millennial generation. My non-car friends all drive whatever cheap Honda/Toyota/Hyundai/Kia/Nissan/Ford/GM comes along when they need a car, much like every oother person of any generation looking for an appliance they don't particularly care about. I think a lot of the media narratives regarding millenials S are complete fiction, or are otherwise initiated soly by people living in Portland, or one of those other commie refuges on the left coast
E36 M3. I must be a Millennial. I recently bought a used Magnum. I'm approaching 48.
Im in the age range as are most of my friends. We all drive stuff built before 1990. Were pretty much all enthusiasts though so it may skew the results. My wife drives on 04 saturn and my friends significant others are an 05 acura and a 98 subaru.
I'm on the young end of this classification. 5-8 year old mid sized sedans seem popular among my peers. Lots of Fusions, Camrys, and Impalas.
Also 2nd gen Focus.
All my non car friends drive one of two things.
Early 2000's ford focus or civics
I think the list has to be based on age distribution within the ownership of a given car, rather than cars across a given age.
So, it isn't that a large proportion of millenials own a GTR, it's that a large proportion of GTR owners are millenials.
It could further be by deviation from the typical car. That is, compared to the proportion of millenial owners of a statistical mean car, the GTR has a greater percentage of millenial owners.
9/24/15 7:42 p.m.
BlueInGreen44 wrote:
So, I guess this is what happens when someone who doesn't know anything about cars tries to write an article about cars.
Clearly, we need something like this for cars instead of guns: