Yesterday around 3:30pm I spotted an awesome deal on Craigslist. 2006 Miata with 38k miles, original owner, looked pristine, under $12k. Exactly what I want, I have the money, and that's a "buy it immediately" kind of price. It was posted around 1pm. I hemmed and hawed for a few minutes then called my wife to think it over with her. She said "You do what you gotta do." (Literally, those were her words.) I called the guy and left a voice mail at 4pm. Emailed him as well a little later. No call back and the ad was deleted at 4:30pm. Dammmmmm. Although that was a great price, I imagine 3 hours is some sort of record for selling a $12,000 car. Well, better luck next time!
I tell you what, I was driving the hell out of that car in my head.
When I read the title I was thinking of the cars that I have owned and sold not knowing what they would be worth today.
I lost out on a set of $500 Torque Thrust II's the same way two days ago. I called, left a message saying I had the cash and wanted them the same day (ad had just been posted), but he never called back and the was deleted. Just not quick enough!
I don't think I've ever lost out on a car, but I may have to think about it for awhile. Sucks that you missed yours! Keep looking!
My biggest "one that got away" was a brunette. I suspect she would have cost me more than $12k, however.
In a more relevant sense, I called on a slightly cosmetically challenged but mechanically lovely $600/bo '72 Honda CB500F this week. "It left with the new owner just minutes ago." Dammit.
3/31/12 9:59 a.m.
I recently missed out on a sweet potential BABE rally car. A 98 safari awd with 6 leather captains chairs (there are 5 or 6 of us going. I called 10 minutes after the other guy and he bought it over the phone.
Ian F
3/31/12 11:41 a.m.
Missed out on a free 325is some years ago when everyone was giving them away. Sadly, just couldn't get there fast enough.
I should have bought my g/f's '97 M3 back in 2004 when she sold it. Cherry condition M3's were not common then either. The new owner got an exceptionally clean car. I just couldn't afford it at the time, but it probably would have saved me years of headaches since.
We're still kicking ourselves for not buying a '73 Saab 95 back in '06 or so.
I could think of others.
For me . . . ECM's 76 Celica.
In reply to ValuePack:
I didn't let the brunette in my life get away. We've been married less than a year and, yes, she has cost me more than $12k. Though to be fair that was in the wedding and getting her a used car, otherwise she's quite frugal. She's worth every penny, too!
I once saw a 85 corolla GTS hatch for sale for $400 but I was 14 and my dad said it was too rusty (read: he didn't want this old POS sitting around for 2 years). In all fairness, it was pretty rusty.
A few weeks ago I just missed a Volvo 940 turbo wagon with 150k miles for $1400.
Wish I could play, but the thing about "the one that got away" is that you have to have the coin, permission, and justification when the opportunity presents itself, otherwise it's yet another "missed deal." In those terms, I've got very few "the one that got away" stories, and a ton of "missed deal" stories, and some of those would surely curl your toes.