So are the fins on the rear supposed to be a diffuser or to dissipate all the extra heat and power generated by the fusion drive?
Yikes! That thing looks like someone shrunk a Clio V6 then bashed it in the face with an ugly stick! Bet it goes as fast as it is ugly, though! I wonder if it will try to kill you like a Clio V6 will...
John Brown wrote: You MUST go to the Lazarus website:
OK the Mini V8 5.9 just sounds scary. Cool though the way the V12 Miata is cool, and scary.
I'll try to summarize all of the thoughts from the GRMers who can't comment for some reason or another:
Wow, that thing could be badass
But it's so ugly
And it's engine should be a __
Maybe if they could start with a 197/8/9_ __, ___, they are really cheap!
Let me see if there are any on Craigslist...
Hmm... and for engines?
"Honey, come here for a second" OR "Checks the bank account" OR "Looks for more space in the garage" OR "Looks for more talent"
Oh well.
The front of that pocket rocket looks like Wheems.
Im not so sure its all that ugly...its kinda cute in a way. Now that said, im not sure I want a car with a V8 in my garage, inboard suspension, a diffuser in the rear bumper, and huge box flared rear end, and then have it called cute.
at least they managed to put the steering wheel on th ecorrect side
I have to ask...why bother installing a V8 that only makes 180 hp? Why not just use any of the 4-bangers that make that much or more power? And if it's torque they're after then the answer is LSX.
Will wrote: I have to ask...why bother installing a V8 that only makes 180 hp? Why not just use any of the 4-bangers that make that much or more power? And if it's torque they're after then the answer is LSX.
That can be corrected. Hell a twin turbo Rover engine will now bolt in ;)
John Brown wrote:
i am confused, but cant stop staring....
I always had to smile every time I walked by a Twingo on the streets in France. Neat little car, but this thing is bloody awesome. It's too bad we don't get the kind of small car selection available to our compatriots in Europe or the Far East. They get choices of several engines and interior trim levels that just aren't available here.
bluej wrote: reminds me of a one off v8 focus from a while back. i think svt actually did it.
Kugel Komponents. You could get a 302 or a 4.6 DOHC setup.
I like it. The videos sucked bag though. Would've been cool to see someone with a pair of testes drive it.
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