jere wrote:
NickD wrote:
Harvey wrote:
This has to go in here. Look at the gold!
Those cars were so far ahead of their time. I mean, composite plastic wheels and variable-nozzle turbos are still pretty uncommon on cars 30 years later
Only a handful got those cool wheel unfortunately
It may be fortunate that they didn't, I am pretty sure I remember at least a few of them being totalled from those wheels failing.
Saw a metal bumper MGB out in the wild today. Top down, keeping up with traffic (70ish).
I saw a Ferrari 250 GTO on an open trailer yesterday.
2/29/16 7:16 p.m.
Lamborghini Diablo cruising around yesterday in libertyville Illinois. Not a very attractive car in the flesh
Parked in front of my house randomly right now...
I can't believe one of these survived up here!
Spotted an old Jensen Intercepted today in Weston, WV. Only the 2nd I believe I've seen.
Within minutes of each other on this weekends run to NAPA spotted a Lotus Evora S and a GTR, neither of which were native to my area. Occasionally Boon will be out in one of his Porches, as much as I dislike the overgrown Beetles, his 79 RUF is berkeleying amazing. There is a surprising amount of cool stuff hiding in garages out this way, including a Ferrari collection, and a grid's worth of pristine Model A's
3/16/16 12:16 a.m.
Not sure if it counts, but I saw a '92 NA Miata in flawless shape with 13k miles on it today. Not 113k, 13k. I know the owner, I've known they had the thing for years, never realized it was that low mileage 
3/16/16 7:15 a.m.
This was parked in front of my office yesterday.

There is not one, not two, but 3 Daihatsu Rockys driving around up here in north idaho. Odd cluster since I've never seen another anywhere
3/17/16 6:25 a.m.
I saw a running, driving (Albeit rough) AMC Alliance go by the other day. I thought most of those had expired before the Chrysler buyout of AMC was complete.

Convertible Dakota pickup! With 33K miles!

A Jeepster is rare enough, but a Hurst one!?!?

I should mention it's the eccentric owner's DAILY... 

Mazda6 Wagon, Touring Trim, moonroof, STICK 

3/17/16 9:15 a.m.
Mazda 6 wagon with a stick shift
So all on the same side street:
Clean rust free CRX
VW square back wagon
Ford full sized van
Corolla/Tercel all trac wagon.
If whoever is the eclectic person who has these is a member here, heads up looking at the house around the corner.
Spotted in Ann Arbor today:
<img src="
" />
HEre's a few from the last week in SE Mi.
SWB Defender import at work
Old Euro Capri seen in Royal Oak

Not a real Capri leaving work 
In reply to Adrian_Thompson:
Someone just moved into my building with a "new" Capri and I walk by a Land Rover Defender 90 on the way home from the Metro. There are a few Defender 110s running around here too.
I test drove a unicorn lat night. A brand new KIA Forte5 with a stick and a turbo that was not the most loaded or a stripper car.
Just to prove that they CAN last. Here is a Phaeton with what must be a record number of miles on it. I just wonder what the running costs have been to this point......
3/30/16 2:33 p.m.
This might sound weird but I saw a stick shift Kia Soul this past weekend. A friend of my wife was driving through on a road trip. I know they aren't that rare but never seen one in the flesh..
I saw an Eagle Summit two door Wagon picking up kids at school a couple of weeks ago. Just like this one. It was super weird.

In reply to Flight Service:
When my girlfriend was living in the DC area, I'd routinely see 2-3 Defenders every time I was down visiting (which was damn near every other weekend.) I'd be surprised if I've seen more than a dozen or so outside that area in my entire life.
Saw a Corolla All Trac wagon last night on my way home from work. Surprisingly rust free too.