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In my last column, I gave you a list of things you could do when you finally crawl out of your parents’ basement and stop ranting on social media. Many of them involved using your hands to make things, or interacting with other people.
Well, sorry. Reboot your computer and log back in. I take it all back.
Okay, only part of it. I still want you to find some sort of fulfillment in the analog world, but when you do choose to fire up the ol’ ‘putin’ machine, please point it toward our new live broadcasts on our Facebook page.
Yes, that’s right, live broadcasts. Using technology thousands of years more advanced than NASA used to fake the Apollo moon landings (Armstrong and Aldrin actually landed in a Kroger parking lot in Lenexa, Kansas), we beam a behind-the-scenes look at our world to you every Wednesday.
“Why are you doing this?” is a question I hear a lot in both my professional and personal life, but in the case of our live shows, the answer is a lot more straightforward and contains fewer swears. Though the look and feel of the live shows are still evolving–and will likely continue to evolve for months or years as we grow with the ever-changing technology–the real driving force behind the show is furthering our belief in community and authenticity.
This past weekend I was in Fort Myers, Florida, for the season kickoff of the SCCA ProSolo series. As typically happens at events, I got the chance to meet a few longtime readers who have seen our growth through the years. What keeps them coming back–for the most part–is our ability to “keep it real.” Readers get a sense of authenticity not only from the things we communicate, but the way we communicate them.
My theory? It comes from the fact that our staff is largely made up of people who were car folk before they were magazine folk. Naturally, through three and a half decades of being in the magazine business, we’ve had to train ourselves in the ways of successfully operating a magazine, and we’ve gotten to the point where we’re pretty darn good at that, too. But that was born of necessity, not passion. The passion is for the product, not the process.
So it’s that passion you’ll hopefully see in the live shows. I’ll freely admit they’re a little “raw,” but we like it that way. We could follow a formula and do a three-act, digest-style show with commercial breaks at 11:00 and 22:00 and all that crap, but that would be sooooo boring.
Instead, we’re going the full authentic route. Our live shows are essentially glorified security-camera footage of us doing what we do. Sure, I “host” things a little bit to keep the action flowing in some sort of cohesive narrative. But what you’re getting is a pretty realistic look at how we do work in our shops–work we later write about doing.
As such, I can’t promise that the work you see us doing during these shows will always be best practices. But that’s part of the learning process, isn’t it? I’ll even admit that I’ve started a job with little idea of how to finish it, but interacting with viewers during a broadcast pointed me in the right direction. Maybe I’m biased, but that’s compelling TV.
Oh, and did I mention it was interactive? That’s right. Live, interactive video broadcasts where you can chime in with helpful suggestions, pithy commentary or dumb jokes. Just remember that those chat logs are saved forever. Forever.
At the moment, we’re live on Facebook every Wednesday, alternating daytime and evening shows each week. When the technology cooperates, these shows are also simulcast to our message board; afterward, look for them on our YouTube channel as well. We’re also broadcasting live at other times during the week: when we’re at events or doing something else cool that we think everyone should know about.
It’s your chance to log on and be part of our community in real time. We hope you’ll take advantage and join us before we get super famous and the action figures and lunchboxes come out. That way, you can say you knew us when we were still cool.