Who else's has?
You can't see the GRM sticker on the other side of the car, but it gave my car the extra 6 horsepower it needed to make it up
Who else's has?
You can't see the GRM sticker on the other side of the car, but it gave my car the extra 6 horsepower it needed to make it up
My old Honda made the climb. It's amazing the change in weather from the bottom to the top. The weather was clear and beautiful at the bottom and at the top, I couldn't see the front bumper when I was standing by the driver's door.
My old Miata did. I found out what time the road opened in the morning, and I was waiting at the gate. Clear road all the way up
I have never been there. However, I did take an '80s Honda over Independence Pass in CO (highest untunneled pass in the US). I had to turn the air cleaner cover upside down to get enough air in just to keep up speed.
It was warm and sunny at the bottom on the east slope and when I got to the top it was snowing. This was in September. Wonderful scenery!
This one did:
It was quite a few years ago, the day before the Mt. Washington Hill Climb. The road had been reopened after a practice session - on the way up we saw them hauling up an Acura that had gone over and rolled several hundred feet down. The tow truck driver said it was lucky it hadn't rolled further or they wouldn't have had enough cable to pull it out.
(Pic is from a more recent closed-road run up Mt. Equinox in VT, BTW)
I drove Mt. Equinox several times in my '89 Civic Si and the Miata. Equinox is more fun to drive fast than Mt. Washington.
Just watch out for the Monks...
I also rode up there one day on my old Honda CB550F, but the rode was closed when I arrived. I accidentally picked the day of the Vintage Hillclimb!
Some of the sections of Equinox are really bumpy - bad frost heaves and some spot repairs. Really unsettles the car.
In both cases the limitations of carbs in dealing with major altitude changes were quite apparent by the time I got to the top.
i have been a worker at the mt washington hillclimb.. been up and down that road many times. and we camp about 15 minutes from there 5 or 6 times a year.
My parents took a Ford Fairmont and a 80's GMC pickup up Mt Washington when I was younger. Haven't been there in years.
Back when I was a more avid hiker, I climbed Mt Washington. Beautiful day, gorgeous scenery, seriously disappointing hike. The end of the trail is about 10 feet (elevation) below the summit. So a good chunk of a day and a lot of energy expended, and you get beat to the top by a bus unloading a hoard of fat people.
Haven't driven the mountain.
sheesh the best I can claim is driving up Mt Mitchell ( highest peak E of the Miss) ... tried to go up it on a motorcycle once... much much younger and obviously much dumber... in cut offs, tank top, and sandals ... it was 80° in Asheville when we started , by the time we got to Craggy Gardens (~ 2/3 the up) it was <40°... and we said berkeley this and came back down the mt...
I did Pikes Peak many years ago in a borrowed Audi Coupe GT with an automatic and several intermittent electrical issues (I suppose the last point was self-evident). "Pass with care" signs and numerous RVs did little to slow our progress.
All of my cars drive Washington, D.C., which is far more dangerous and hard on the car than any mountain...:)
In reply to Twin_Cam:
Not only did my old E320 wagon go up when it had 250,000 miles on it, my wife's Accord has gone up, too. And my bicycle has been up it, too..with me riding it. That was the hardest 90 minutes of my life.
I've driven up the southeastern slope of Mt. Sunflower, highest point in Kansas.
And if you have time, swing on over to Castle in the Clouds. Nothing like a rock building built almost entirely from 7-sided rocks, complete with its own brewery.
My Father's 98 Intrepid company car made the trip, toasted the brakes
That drive was pretty scary actually, most of the hill climb videos leave out the fact that once you get past the treeline the little 1 ft high rockwall is all that separates you from 1000 ft vertical drop, tack on windshear that blasts up and down that mountain along with the fact you have to make room for other vehicles coming down (it's barely 1.5 lanes wide of which only 1 lane is 'graded') and it's pretty scary...
I made it to the top in an '84 Dodge Colt a long time ago. Four people in the car plus luggage and the tiny mitsu motor managed just fine.
Keith wrote: My old Miata did. I found out what time the road opened in the morning, and I was waiting at the gate. Clear road all the way up![]()
I now know the first thing I must do with my saab once I finally get around to fixing the brakes...
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