$89 and free shipping?
These usually go for much, much more than that.
What am I missing?
Cursory research doesn’t turn up any massive red flags, just the usual unknowns with Chinese made products.
I’m half tempted to get a prepaid visa and buy one to see if it shows up.
I dont know, the website doesnt look too promising. Thats all they sell.
I would skip it.
If they take PayPal, ill buy them! It would be a very nice home office setup.
9/14/19 11:31 a.m.
There seems to be a lot of these lately.
99 dollar 10 x 16 sheds and other stuff.
I am seeing them as ads on FB. Surprised fb is allowing them. Sad.
At a racetrack this summer someone had smaller type boxes with a sign for the price. (Don’t want to throw anyone under a bus)
i walked up to the $250 price and was impressed but I misread the “per month” X 24 months. Doh!
In reply to Datsun310Guy :
That is SOP for storage shed people.
9/14/19 12:43 p.m.
My wife bought a 70 buck large photo frame. Same sort of online deal from China. What she got was a red plastic coin purse of the gumball-trinket quality level. Upon disputing the charge, the sellers disputed right back. Seems there is a fair bit of crookery ongoing in this area.
Ran across something along the same lines as that. Website selling brand name top line guitars for really cheap. Gibson Les Paul's for less than $110, if I remember right. Slash autographed limited edition Les Paul's for $150. Fenders, Gretsch's and a couple other popular name brands. Hundreds to thousands off retail. One of the catches was limited time and a clock was ticking on the site. Kept looking for the big catch and almost bit for a Les Paul as I already have a Strat clone and an SG was double the price. Tried to go back the next day but was site was gone.
9/14/19 8:11 p.m.
That ad has been showing up with a variety of pinball machines attached.I'm sorely tempted to order one for lulz.
Had some friends each buy a gallon jug of clear epoxy coating from China for ~$8 on eBay. It showed it shipped & about a week later showed it was delivered - but it never actually arrived to either of them. They each filed a complaint on eBay, but the sellers just closed their store only for the listing to pop up from a new seller.