Very close to not being work safe. Gonna depend on how uptight the people around you are.
Very close to not being work safe. Gonna depend on how uptight the people around you are.
"Seats? this cockscker has got two. One for you, and one for the hot @ss broad thats gunna be all upons your dck after you buy this car. You're a girl? Sht works both ways. One seat for you, and one seat for that hot @ss dude you've been trying to hook up with for weeks. Deal with it,shts getting serious."
I'd say this qualifies for best of CL...
Cone_Junky wrote: "Seats? this cocks*cker has got two. One for you, and one for the hot @ss broad thats gunna be all upons your d*ck after you buy this car. You're a girl? Sh*t works both ways. One seat for you, and one seat for that hot @ss dude you've been trying to hook up with for weeks. Deal with it,sh*ts getting serious." I'd say this qualifies for best of CL...
Already pushed for it.
R33>R32...but thats still some funny sht there! The bit about the rocket and pouring steroids down its throat...average joe doesnt come up with stuff like that, you gotta be some kind of hardcore, monster jams nationals announcer or something...badass
Who doesn't like to get sideway?! Terrorists, thats who. Are you a terrorist? No? Then you need this car.
Made me chuckle
The green wheels need to go!!!!
bludroptop wrote: Not offended, but not amused either.![]()
...sounds like he's trying to hard to be funny on craigslist...maybe in an oral rendition on youtube, maybe...with explosions and fire in the background...hmmm
I've always believed that profanity is for those not intelligent enough to know how to express themselves without it. This confirms that belief.
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