For Idaho this is quite unique! And I'm sure someone is willing to pay. Our registration laws aren't THAT difficult to work with, especially since only two or three counties even have emissions tests.
For reference, Idaho Falls is on the eastern side of the state, about 250 miles from Boise, but they do have a large car scene for being a smaller town.
It's all fun and games until the Feds show up.
I thought federal laws trumped local when it comes to greymarket cars?
cliff notes:
I have a feeling the feds will come to take it away any day now, so please buy my GT-R so that will be your problem, not mine!
Buy it and hide it for 5 years. 
"Show me the cash and you can test drive"
I do all my car deals down the street at my Chase Bank.
When I sold my Lumina last April I walked the cash inside and had the teller run it through the machine and deposit it.
When I bought a Nissan in May I wrote a personal check, handed it to the buyer in front of the teller, had the buyer endorse the check, and had the teller cash it and hand the cash over to the buyer.
I get nervous walking around with piles of cash............
Actually, the R33 was the only one Motorex/RB Motoring put through the process for certification, so it's the only GT-R that is legal to keep, unless yours is over 25 years old.
That car used to be up here (Seattle/Portland) and he couldn't sell it here, either, obviously because of the very real fear that feds would scoop it up one day like they did all of the R34's.
I know thats an amazing chassis and all, but I really have no desire at all to drive a right hand steering wheel car.
Javelin wrote:
Actually, the R33 was the only one Motorex/RB Motoring put through the process for certification, so it's the only GT-R that is legal to keep, unless yours is over 25 years old.
That car used to be up here (Seattle/Portland) and he couldn't sell it here, either, obviously because of the very real fear that feds would scoop it up one day like they did all of the R34's.
Are you saying you know this particular car has been federalized? If so the seller should have pointed that out in their ad.
I own a grey market car myself, but if it hadn't come with the official papers I would have never bought it.
stuart in mn wrote:
Javelin wrote:
Actually, the R33 was the only one Motorex/RB Motoring put through the process for certification, so it's the only GT-R that is legal to keep, unless yours is over 25 years old.
That car used to be up here (Seattle/Portland) and he couldn't sell it here, either, obviously because of the very real fear that feds would scoop it up one day like they did all of the R34's.
Are you saying you know this particular car has been federalized? If so the seller should have pointed that out in their ad.
I own a grey market car myself, but if it hadn't come with the official papers I would have never bought it.
No, I'm saying this car hasn't been federalized. It's an R32, so it's not on the exempt list and it's less than 25 years old still. That's why they are having an issue selling. IIRC though, it's an actual gray market car as an original Canadian car, but it's still very risky.
Sorry, I realize now re-reading my post I wasn't very clear. The R33 is legal (1996-1998 only), this is an R32 and not legal.
Javelin wrote:
Actually, the R33 was the only one Motorex/RB Motoring put through the process for certification, so it's the only GT-R that is legal to keep, unless yours is over 25 years
Is it illegal to own or use on the road? Aka could you use it as a racecar or just put away in storage for 5 years until it passed the 25 year old limit.
It's not road legal, but I'm sure you could track it.
Don't the feds really have beter things to do?? Be a good care for a mail carrier.
(side link that has nothing to do with this... http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424053111904787404576530520471223268.html)
Up here in BC Canada, that car is worth about half that, and i see one just about every day. In fact i could name 5 guys i know with one. It honestly makes them just a "meh" vehicle for me. I get more excited about seeing another swift gt on the road than i do about skylines. Probably cause i see way more skylines than swift gts.
Javelin wrote:
Actually, the R33 was the only one Motorex/RB Motoring put through the process for certification, so it's the only GT-R that is legal to keep, unless yours is over 25 years old.
That car used to be up here (Seattle/Portland) and he couldn't sell it here, either, obviously because of the very real fear that feds would scoop it up one day like they did all of the R34's.
Last I herd Motorex did a great job selling stolen cars from other country's, or would this be a different Motorex?
8/26/11 3:33 p.m.
RHD is not too bad, unless you plan on doing a lot of passing on 2 lane roads. Makes it hard to see around without going across the line. Drive throughs can be interesting.
0-60 Magazine had a great article about what happened to Motorex. Found it here.
93EXCivic wrote:
Javelin wrote:
Actually, the R33 was the only one Motorex/RB Motoring put through the process for certification, so it's the only GT-R that is legal to keep, unless yours is over 25 years
Is it illegal to own or use on the road? Aka could you use it as a racecar or just put away in storage for 5 years until it passed the 25 year old limit.
Not illegal to own, technically illegal to drive on public roads. You could trailer it to shows, racetracks, etc without issue.
Volksrodden wrote:
Javelin wrote:
Actually, the R33 was the only one Motorex/RB Motoring put through the process for certification, so it's the only GT-R that is legal to keep, unless yours is over 25 years old.
That car used to be up here (Seattle/Portland) and he couldn't sell it here, either, obviously because of the very real fear that feds would scoop it up one day like they did all of the R34's.
Last I herd Motorex did a great job selling stolen cars from other country's, or would this be a different Motorex?
Nope, same one. The few legitimate cars that did make it here were all seized by the Feds as well. The only good thing to come out of the entire mess was the approval of importation for the 96-98 R33 Skyline.
Funny for a car like that to be in my home town. IF isn't exactly a car town.
Maybe I'll call when I get there in December- since the car will probably still be for sale, if not impounded.
Javelin wrote:
Volksrodden wrote:
Javelin wrote:
Actually, the R33 was the only one Motorex/RB Motoring put through the process for certification, so it's the only GT-R that is legal to keep, unless yours is over 25 years old.
That car used to be up here (Seattle/Portland) and he couldn't sell it here, either, obviously because of the very real fear that feds would scoop it up one day like they did all of the R34's.
Last I herd Motorex did a great job selling stolen cars from other country's, or would this be a different Motorex?
Nope, same one. The few legitimate cars that did make it here were all seized by the Feds as well. The *only* good thing to come out of the entire mess was the approval of importation for the 96-98 R33 Skyline.
Ahhh, for some reason I thought all there Skylines were stolen.... I guess they needed some that were not stolen to seam legit.
Javelin wrote: No, I'm saying this car *hasn't* been federalized. It's an R32, so it's not on the exempt list and it's less than 25 years old still. That's why they are having an issue selling. IIRC though, it's an actual gray market car as an original Canadian car, but it's still very risky.
I remember reading about Motorex. However, while they federalized some of the R33 cars, that doesn't mean all R33 cars are US legal - they just figured out what has to be done to the cars to convert them. Any new R33s arriving from out of the country still have to be converted so they meet EPA and DOT requirements.
Joshua wrote: stuart in mn wrote: I own a grey market car myself, but if it hadn't come with the official papers I would have never bought it.
What car is it?
I have a 1986 BMW M535i, they were never officially sold in the US. They were in between a regular 535i and an M5, with the single cam engine like a euro 535i, but with a specific Bilstein suspension, a body kit, sport seats and some other bits and pieces.

I would rather have that BMW than the skyline.
$20k for a car you can't drive eh....
Anyone wanna buy a bridge? Cheap!