You know, the ones where, at the last minute, you decide to do something and you tell someone you will do it before finding out how much of a PITA it will be. This time it was deciding to tow a new to me boat trailer 80 miles. It seemed to be a great idea at first. I got the boat washed up, got the new engine mounted, got everything loaded and then start checking things like tire pressures.
The first thing I noticed is one tire is on backwards. Not the first time I've seen that, so jack up the trailer and give the tire a spin before flipping the tire. It sounds like a rock sliding down the road and only had about 1/2 inch of slop.
Off to the store to find bearings. Everyone has 1 1/16 bearings, too bad I need 1". Finally find bearings at Walmart, of all places.
The first side goes together as easy as pie. Side B doesn't have as much slop, but there is no way it will make it 80 miles, so it's getting bearing too. Unfortunately, neither race will tap into the hub. Un-bury the press and force them to fit. 20 tons will make a bearing race go places a hammer only dreams about. Luckily nothing exploded in the process.
Got to love those little snap decisions. I'd have said screw it if I hadn't washed and loaded the boat first, not to mention telling the boys we were going fishing. There was no backing down then.
Done is done and we'll be pulling out at 7am.