<--- Amazing build thread of 66 F100 powered by an FE <--- His new Daily Driver thread of an Ecoboost powered 66 F100..
Hopefully not a repost.
Absolutely an epic threads.
Please block out an hour minimum to bask in the awesomeness.
Here's to you Mr. TimewarpF100....

That's a ton of work. Can't wait to see how it comes out.
7/15/12 9:14 a.m.
Anyone else notice that all these epic build threads tend to die a slow death at the end?
This was looking like a true first class effort.
7/15/12 9:25 a.m.
Death by a thousand cuts?
I spent an extra hour or so awake last night reading through that build. Worth the effort.
The EcoBoost build is very interesting. I hope that he does complete that. Looks like a lot of work, but should be well worth it at the end.
Helluva undertaking, Timewarp is meticulous, Kudos. Can't wait to see the finished rig.
Thanks all!
A bit of health issues for past couple years has pretty much stopped forward progress but am hoping to get back on them very soon!
Killin' me to have these two projects collecting dust.
I also have 2 other projects ~
Welcome to GRM TimeWarpF100! Glad to have you aboard! 
That's a seriously ambitious build! I think making your own standalone harness would have been easier!
4/21/14 9:20 p.m.
NOHOME wrote:
Anyone else notice that all these epic build threads tend to die a slow death at the end?
This was looking like a true first class effort.
Yeah, it always seems like the forces of nature align against these major builds in some way. I guess that's why builders charge so much to do it.
I hope it's able to get completed.
HappyAndy wrote:
That's a seriously ambitious build! I think making your own standalone harness would have been easier!
A lot easier said than done! As far as I know there is only one company that makes a standalone system for the 3.5 eco and its in excess of 10,000.00
I have been told its very difficult to do because of the turbo with direct injection.
Remember I only paid 3250.00 for a complete truck with 6000 miles on it.
I actually want to have the trailer sway control, stability control, anti roll control etc
I have 4 other '66 Trucks I can keep nearer to stock
I hope to be back on this project within the next 30days. Still trying to play catch up for all the time lost on other stuff. Not to mention still having health issues.
Excuse me. I need 15 minutes, some KY, napkins, and some more pics, please.
Fueled by Caffeine wrote:
Please block out an hour minimum to bask in the awesomeness.
Im an hour in and not even halfway through the ecoboost thread!
Great project.
Good luck getting the project done, though I'm glad you are taking time for your health.
It's an amazing build.
Making great progress after a 2 1/2 Year lull .
Main computer crashed over weekend but here is one pic. Quiet Steel firewall from ecoboost truck now installed in the '66 cab. Cab now finally mounted to the chassis where the real fun can now begin!

yes its sitting a bit high now. Once its all together I will set to lowering it. for the first time the cab now mounted to chassis. A sneak peak for now . .

Glad to see you are still going on it. I wish I had the skill to tackle a project like that.
I remember reading the first part of that thread back when you started. Glad to see you getting back at it, it's an insanely cool project.
I can't seem to get a garbage disposal installed in less than a month, I can't imagine a project of that scale.
I didn't get to read through the threads yet....
One question: Is that the 66' chassis or a newer chassis?
Is this more like a newer truck rebody with older body or modern stuff in old truck?
....Off to read the thread now.
Because I needed to have all the electronics from the late model truck in order to even get it to run I chose the new chassis. Its a 2013 126" WB frame, firewall, floor and all electronics, suspension, steering brakes etc. Using only 1966 Sheet metal so I can title as a 1966. No emissions etc needed here then.
The new chassis was purchased new from my local ford dealer.
TimeWarpF100 wrote:
Because I needed to have all the electronics from the late model truck in order to even get it to run I chose the new chassis. Its a 2013 126" WB frame, firewall, floor and all electronics, suspension, steering brakes etc. Using only 1966 Sheet metal so I can title as a 1966. No emissions etc needed here then.
The new chassis was purchased new from my local ford dealer.
That is epic-ly cool but how much was it? Did you use the metric, butt, or metric butt ton measurement for the $100 bills.
I read your thread a few months ago, when you were having your health issues, and then forgot about it until now. So glad to hear you're doing better. The truck is great too, you've been busy.