It is FINALLY time to order tires for the 82 Corolla on 14x7 Celica Supra wheels.
I've decided to go with Federal SS-595
Which size should I use for an AutoX only car?
I know oldeskewltoy has a vote in for 195s
. What say the rest of ye?
7/1/14 12:55 a.m.
Depends on the gearing really. 185/55 would give a slight gearing boost, at possibly being slightly lighter in traction. In all reality though, that's not a really sticky tire, so I usually default to wider is better.
GRM says that tires grip the most when the tire is the same width as the wheel. So I would go with the 185/55 since a conversion calculator shows that the wheel is 177.8mm wide.
Tell us if those tires are good or just average.