Well the 924s decided to finally die. The speed and reference sensors have been on the way out for quite some time. The wire leading to the plug finally broke and it did so so close to the connector that patching it together is all but impossible. In the mean time I have built a MS system for my car that is semi plug and play. I have had it working on the bench. So should I spend the 150 and get new sensors and make the swap in the warmth of summer or should I let the car sit till then or should I hunker down and try to get it up and running with the temps in the 20's and 30's.
The good side of things is I just got the mustang head gasket job completed in the fall and the car has just been sitting. I put the key in it and it fired rite up. It needs a sticker but otherwise it is ready to go so I have wheels.
What better way to spend a newyears day then pulling the MS out of the box that I ahve all wired to the 944 harnes and bench testing it again as I dont rember if there were any loose ends.
If it were me, I'd drive the Mustang and make the swap come summer. But then, it's cold out, and I'm lazy.
New Reader
1/1/13 1:19 p.m.
Quick/Cheap(er) fix: get the BMW reference sensors. Also stock up on band aids as getting the old one out is usually a fairly bloody job.
Ya I have done it before on other cars. Not a lot of fun. The warm weather thing really is the killer. This may actually convinced me to build a garage.
Switching to the MegaSquirt is a lot of work, and I could see how it might not feel like it's worth it if you weren't planning to do it otherwise, but any other fix you do is just delaying it...you'll need to make the switch at some point or keep blowing huge loads of cash on Porsche parts.