I did it. Never done it before. When I replaced the wheel bearings in the 924s a year or 2 back I packed it really full of greece and the put it on the spindle. I then packed more greeks in around the spindle and put the outer bearing, washer and retainer on. Tightened it up and I thought all was good.
For the last couple weeks I have been getting a slight humming from the front and finally yesterday I took everything apart and was surprised to find that the inner seal was partially pushed out.
I suspect that I over packed it with greens and the hub was actually (at least partially) being held in place with the grease until it finally pressurised so much that it popped the greens seal out a bit relieving the pressure and allowing the hub to loosen.
I removed all the old greens (that was kind of chunky) inspected everything re packed the bearings with new mobile 1 synthetic grease, installed new seals and put it all back together. However this time I only packed the greens around the bearings and only about 1/2 - 3/4 filled inside of the hub (but coated everything) .
All seems well now. I remember really packing the greens in last time and taking care to try and not have any air in there at all. Guess this is a mistake. Live and learn.