Not really sure where this belongs, so we'll stick it here.
TWSS.... anyway. Being on a budget (aren't we all), the wife gave me the option:
New Motorcycle
Finish the car (for STF prep)
Bike is this:

'15 Yamaha FZ-07. Makes similar power to my 93 nighthawk, but weighs 130 lbs less with modern fuel injection and real brakes.
The other option is a header, high flow cat, tune and suspension rebuild/valve for the Forte. This would get me really really close to 180whp and a 2nd gear good to 67mph.
I can't have both... only one. What would you choose and why?
I personally would do the car because a bike would take serious time away from my wife and kids.
That probably isn't the case for you. Tough call!
For me play time away from the wife and kid is very limited. I was faced with a similar choice only mine was bike or car, only get to keep one. I haven't owned a car in over a year.
no kids. Wife likes to occasionally ride with me (2up). Keeping the car, just can't finish the car this coming year. The downside to the bike is I'll likely not be able to make Nationals next year due to funds.
It's a tough call. I've found FZ-09's for the same price as the -07's. This isn't fair.
bike, only reason it vehicles depreciate much more slowly then mods
The mods don't matter. What I'll be doing is something that will stay on the car even after I'm done auto-x'ing it. I plan on driving it another 8 years minimum anyway. The mods will happen eventually.
I've wanted to get my first motorcycle for a few years now but I've concluded that I have enough expensive hobbies and that I don't need another as my 84 GTI project car is keeping me plenty busy and draining my $ as well. :p
You inferred that you would take the car to SCCA Nationals if you could, so that sounds like good enough reason to continue with that if you are competitive.
On the other hand, if the wife actually likes riding with you then that makes a good case for that. If you're going to blow money on toys it might as well be something she would be able to share with you.
Well Saturday went and checked out the bikes in question. I'm sad because my old man shoulders hated the bar position on the fz's. Salesman said, "have you tried one of these?" As he points to the Kawi Versys. Meh. Doesn't look as sporty that's for sure. Throw a leg over.... hmm this isn't bad. They had a demo for almost a grand off. So today I took it for a ride.
Damnit. I liked it. So the Nighthawk is officially for sale on craigslist and I'm planning on one now !