Anyone been watching?
The Patagonia Special was a big MEH, mainly because it was all spoiled on the internet.
So far the standard episodes I have been enjoying. The Ambulance episode was hilarious.
Last weeks episode was good. The i8 is pretty cool. Hammond definitely showed some real emotion with his Land Rover segment.
So far this season has started out decent.
I hate the thing they're doing where they A) beat to death cars, I like cars, thats why I watch car shows and B) Don't review cars, the show seems to be for non car people
How else would you find out how well an Esprit V8 works off road?
carbon wrote:
I hate the thing they're doing where they A) beat to death cars, I like cars, thats why I watch car shows and B) Don't review cars, the show seems to be for non car people
i hope you aren't just figuring this out?
I missed the i8 episode on Monday, but today I sat down on front of the TV, decided to check what was on BBC America, and the repeat was just coming on. Perfect timing.
I think the shows have been decent so far this season.
850Combat wrote:
How else would you find out how well an Esprit V8 works off road?
or that a Bentley is actually a decent choice for herding cattle?
Ambulance episode was the funniest episode I have seen in a while.
Uncoiled wrote:
i was laughing so hard when that happened that i actually had to pause my dvr for a couple of minutes after that part so i didn't miss anything..
2/21/15 5:41 p.m.
Ambulance episode was the best in years. The first time I heard "cannon" I can only describe my describe my reaction as a shriek rather than a laugh.
2/21/15 5:59 p.m.
Uncoiled wrote:
Ambulance episode was the funniest episode I have seen in a while.
Yeah, that one was brilliant. Last week's episode of driving impressions was great and I wish they'd go back to that format. The "all challenges" format is getting really tired--I dunno if that's to appeal to more of a general audience.
Uncoiled wrote:
Ambulance episode was the funniest episode I have seen in a while.
Agree. That will be a classic in the history of the series.
Whoa whoa whoa. They are making new ones? On bbca? I can find a new one to save my life and TiVo says the newest episode is some garbage montage show.
In reply to Trackmouse:
It's on Monday night. They actually run it for an hour and a half, which I'm ecstatic about.
carbon wrote:
I hate the thing they're doing where they A) beat to death cars, I like cars, thats why I watch car shows and B) Don't review cars, the show seems to be for non car people
You didn't watch last week, did you? Because it was full of car reviews. The i8 vs M3 one was very well done, I liked the concept quite a bit.
It's been a good season for sure.
2/21/15 10:27 p.m.
Keith Tanner wrote:
carbon wrote:
I hate the thing they're doing where they A) beat to death cars, I like cars, thats why I watch car shows and B) Don't review cars, the show seems to be for non car people
You didn't watch last week, did you? Because it was full of car reviews. The i8 vs M3 one was very well done, I liked the concept quite a bit.
It's been a good season for sure.
I watched the last episode, it reminded me what a piece of e36m3 the series has been of late. I didn't fail to notice the part where they read mail complaining about how the series has been lately.
Trackmouse wrote:
Whoa whoa whoa. They are making new ones? On bbca? I can find a new one to save my life and TiVo says the newest episode is some garbage montage show.
Um.. Just go to your favorite Bit torrent site and start downloading. If you don't have one I think Torrenting is still open, and there is always the Piratebay.
pjbgravely wrote:
Um.. Just go to your favorite Bit torrent site and start downloading. If you don't have one I think Torrenting is still open, and there is always the Piratebay.
Or, you can just tune in to BBC America and watch the episodes. The show airs in the UK on Sunday nights, and they show it here on Monday nights, so it's not like you're having to wait very long.
stuart in mn wrote:
pjbgravely wrote:
Um.. Just go to your favorite Bit torrent site and start downloading. If you don't have one I think Torrenting is still open, and there is always the Piratebay.
Or, you can just tune in to BBC America and watch the episodes. The show airs in the UK on Sunday nights, and they show it here on Monday nights, so it's not like you're having to wait very long.
Plus they're the full episode. They aren't cut down to an hour like the reruns that they air, which I'm glad to see BBCA doing.
2/22/15 9:12 a.m.
I've always watched on Netflix but they haven't shown new episodes in at least a year.
BBC Canada seems to be cutting out them down to 75 minutes, including ad time. The part they have chosen to cut is the news segment, which has always been the best part of the show. They didn't show Keifer Sutherland on the Aussie show here, which is ok- I could do without the SIRPC segment if they must cut something...
stuart in mn wrote:
Or, you can just tune in to BBC America and watch the episodes. The show airs in the UK on Sunday nights, and they show it here on Monday nights, so it's not like you're having to wait very long.
Out of the 9 channels I receive over the air, BBC America isn't one of them. I am not going to pay a huge amount of money just to watch Top Gear and Dr Who. I hear the BBC is going to allow my choice of operating system to view shows on their website soon but I still have to spoof my IP as they won't let me buy a license living in the USA.
The other BBC shows I like I can get on PBS so I watch them their even with a 6 month delay.
In reply to Streetwiseguy:
That episode didn't have a news segment.