Looks like my rocky relationship with this mechanic may be headed for a nasty final breakup, long story short, any reason I can't tow a car with the brake discs removed? I assume pressing the brakes would cause the pistons to pop out for one thing?
Edit: Yep we're done.
Only issue I've seen is that the discs sometimes act as a spacer of sort so the wheels won't bolt up completely, but for a short trip at low speeds you should be able to make it.
11/25/14 8:12 a.m.
Probably, and correct. Towing will be fine as long as there's decent clearance around the tire since it'll be inset about 1/4" further without the disk. Also, there "may" also be an issue with the lug nuts bottoming out on the wheel hub before they tighten the wheel - be sure to check.
I have spacers I can use to keep the wheel a little further out than it would have been if the disc were installed.
Are we talking about flat towing or towing on a trailer?
Towing on a flatbed truck.
11/25/14 8:47 a.m.
A flatbed truck can tow it with no wheels at all.

Non issue.
Figured so, just wanted to make sure. I might not have thought of the spacing issue if it wasn't mentioned.
Hey if I trap a piece of metal about as thick as the rear discs between the rear pads, that means I could use the front brakes, right? Moving a car with some brakes is way easier than moving a car with no brakes.
11/25/14 10:18 a.m.
In reply to GameboyRMH:
Unless, of course, the piece of metal falls out when you let off the brakes.
Yeah I thought about that...I'll string/tape it up so it doesn't fall out.
Even a pieces of wood duct taped in place would work.
That's the plan, just called my dad to see if he can get any from the factory